Chapter 2: The Attack

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Tony's P.O.V

"Nothing's going on in the city yet," I huff, just entering the jet after scoping out the expected area to be under attack next. "I didn't see a single person that matched the ones in the video."

I sit down next to Cap and take a sip of water as he speaks into his earpiece. "Rhodey, how's everything with the president?"

He sits still and listens for a minute before responding. "Ok, good, keep it that way." Cap presses a button on the earpiece to hang up. "They have the president secure in a safe house surrounded with guards."

"How is it a safe house if you can clearly tell someone important is in it?" Clint asked, leaning back from the pilot's seat.

"I don't know, ask Rhodes..." Cap sighs and I notice his knee start to bounce up and down slightly.

"Guys, we aren't going to make it there in time," Natasha suddenly says, looking at her watch and back up at us. "Tony, we're going to need you to fly Steve down there, hopefully, you two can hold them off until we can land the jet there."

"Wait, how do we even know when they're attacking?" I ask, looking at Nat.

"Every single attack they've done has been at the exact second it turns 10:00. We're still unsure why." She answers.

"Well," Cap says rising to his knees, "Let's go."

I sigh and get up too, awkwardly wrapping my arms around his waist as the door to the jet opens.

"Wait!" Nat suddenly shouts, just as I lift off. "DON'T KILL ANYBODY!!!"

I chuckle slightly and say, "We'll see about that. JARVIS full thrust!"

Steve and I zoom through the air and I can see Steve close his eyes. "Need me to slow down, Cap?" I mock.

He struggles to speak but manages out a few words. "Shut...up...Stark!" It probably isn't healthy for a person to fly through the air this fast without any protection from the wind...

Eh, it's Rogers.

I land on the roof of a house and we start to scan the area. "Are you sure this is where they're supposed to attack?" I ask Nat through my suit.

"Just wait," She says. "Have a little bit of patience for once in your life."

"Do you know who you're talking to?" I ask, sitting down and leaning my head back on the chimney.

"Unfortunately, yes," She responds and starts talking to Clint in the background. I mute my earpiece and sigh, lowering my facepiece to get some air. I look over to see Steve bouncing slightly on his knees, looking anxious.

"Don't worry, we'll kick those guys asses in like, five minutes, and then we can go eat your stupid eggs with thyme. Just wait."

"Ha! Never thought I'd be hearing it from you to have patience," He sighs, finally sitting down and running his hand through his hair.

I sigh too and look out at the clouds. "JARVIS, what time is it?"

"Exactly one minute and twenty-nine seconds until ten, Sir."

"Nat and Clint definitely won't make it here in time. It'll take them at least ten to fifteen minutes before they even get in range to shoot," Cap remarks.

"Ya, that's the whole reason they sent us down here. Don't you listen, like, at all?"

"Oh, shut up."

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