Chapter 1: Breakfast Duty

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-Hi everyone! I just wanted to say that this is my first book on this account and I apologize if it's bad😅.But, I really hope you like my story! Enjoy!-


Steve's P.O.V

I had just finished my morning workout and walked into the kitchen, expecting to see Clint hard at work with breakfast, as usual.

Once I walk in, I notice that Natasha was the one at the stove today with an unsure look on her face.

"Mornin', Cap," She greets half-heartedly.

"Morning, Nat," I nod towards the kitchen while taking a sip of water from my water bottle, "Where's Clint?"

"Oh, he left last night to visit his family. Should be back anytime now," Nat stated, and suddenly whatever she was cooking set on fire.

I jumped back a little, startled, and she turned the stove off and started whacking at the fire until it died out.

"I thought I'd try and take over breakfast duty for him but..." Her sentence faded out as she stared at the burnt clump of food.

I chuckle and walk over to the kitchen, looking over her shoulder. "May I?"

"Be my guest," She sighs, putting down the towel she was holding and leaning against the wall to watch as I got to work.

I dumped the burnt food in the trash and got out the egg carton from the fridge. I scraped off the residue of the burnt food from the pan and cracked open a few of the eggs, letting them fall into the pan.

As I was scrambling the eggs, Tony walks in and over to the fridge. He grabbed a bottle of juice and looked over at what I was making.

"So you're making breakfast instead of Barton, eh Cap?" He asked.

"Uh, yeah," I reply, trying to focus but then realizing I was only scrambling eggs, which didn't require much focus.

Tony glanced over to Natasha, then to the burnt food thrown in the trash can and cracked a smile. "Something go wrong, Miss Romanoff?"

"Shut up, Tony," She glared and he let out a silent chuckle.

I watched as he walked over to the elevator and back down to his lab. "He never stops working down there, does he?" I sigh.

"Not unless there's a party to go to," Nat said, taking a sip of water from the glass that just magically appeared.

I shake my head and looked back down at the eggs. "That doesn't seem very healthy," I mumbled.

Nat raised an eyebrow, "Do I hear a hint of worry in your tone, Captain?" I rolled my eyes as she smirked. "Who knew you actually cared about Tony."

"Of course I care about him. I care about everyone on the team, and I worry about everyone on the team and that guy needs to change a few things about his daily routine." I turn the burner off and slide the eggs onto multiple plates, seasoning them with salt and pepper and just a hint of thyme.

"You sure it's nothing more than just caring about the team?" She continued to smirk as I looked away. "I've seen the way you look at him."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I mumble before getting in the elevator to tell everyone breakfast was ready.

"Whatever you say, Captain." I hear Nat say before the elevator starts going down.

What exactly is Nat hinting at? Of course I care for Tony, why wouldn't I? He's an annoying, arrogant, self-absorbed, asshole but he's still a part of the team.

How Much I Care - StonyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang