Chapter 5: Visiting

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Tony's P.O.V

There was a soft knock on the door before it slowly opened, revealing a young-looking man in a teal-ish outfit. "How are you feeling, Mr. Stark?"

"Like crap," I rasp out and he frowns.

"Sorry, I...well, I didn't actually want you to answer vocally. I shouldn't have asked. Anyway, um..." He closes the door and walks over to the side of the bed. "Uh, ok. Point to where it hurts the most."

I clenched my teeth, everywhere hurts! I slowly raised my right pointer finger and shakily pointed to my upper abdomen.

He nodded. "That's to be expected. Your right kidney has taken severe damage, and speaking of which, your surgery to get it removed is why I came in here. It's, um, time."

I could tell he wasn't very experienced, he talked nervously and just overall seemed unconfident. It was slightly aggravating but he could also just be nervous about being in the presence of the great Tony Stark, and if that was the case, it simply can't be helped.

"I-I'll go get the surgeons and then we'll get you set up," The nurse said and left, leaving the door open behind him, before realizing it and rushing back to close it with a nervous smile.

I smirked at his inexperience and sighed, looking down at my feet, which were currently in casts.

I don't know if I should be thankful or raging. At least I can walk but...I don't know. No fighting? No talking? I can't imagine it...what's my life going to be like?

The nurse walked back in with a few surgeons, they were all wearing masks. The nurse came over and hooked up a needle to some sort of fluid. Anesthesia, most likely.

"Now, I'm going to give you some anesthesia, Mr. Stark, so you'll knock out," He said, cleaning the needle and gently grabbing my arm. "Don't worry, this will be over in a snap for you!"

I smile lightly, trying not to show any of my worries. After this, it's irreversible. No more kicking ass with my friends, no more testing Iron Man suits, hell, no more sports. Not that I'm super into sports, but still. This was lifechanging.

The nurse gently stuck the needle in my wrist and it all went black.

<><>After the Surgery<><>

Steve's P.O.V

4:23 p.m.

I hope something didn't go has been two hours since the told us to be here...

Everyone sat in silence as we all waited for the surgery to be over. There was a very low risk of anything going wrong, but with any surgery there are risks.

Pepper looked to be on the verge of tears with Happy trying to comfort her, even though he looked just as bad. Peter was hugging his knees to his chest and rocking back and forth as Natasha placed a reassuring hand on his head.

Thor tried to look like he wasn't bothered but snuck nervous glances in the direction of Tony's hospital room and Bruce was rambling on about every possible negative outcome with Clint trying to convince him that nothing was going to happen, but you could tell it was getting to him too.

My knee bounced up and down in an anxious gesture as I bit my lip and Rhodey tried to smile at me.

The doctor walked into the waiting room and nodded at us. We all got up and followed her down the hall as she began to speak. "The surgery went splendidly, no need to worry about that."

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