Chapter 10: Natasha Apologizes

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-I'm so sorry for being gone for so long! I'll try really hard to get on a better schedule, I promise. Sorry again for the long wait😔-


Normal P.O.V

Tony sat in his bed, staring blankly up at the ceiling as he thought. He had previously attempted to try one of the many books Bruce gifted to him, but he simply didn't have the patience for it.

Dinner was nearly two hours ago and it was currently ten o'clock. This was the perfect time for Tony to sneak down to his lab to finish what he had been virtually working on earlier, but for some reason, he kept hesitating.

It was definitely unlike him to think twice before doing something, but his mind kept relaying Steve's words from this afternoon. Tony was unsure if he had just said that to keep his spirits up or if he was serious, but he was not about to go over there and find out.

He swung his feet around and lifted himself up and off the bed. He snatched the device off his desk that allowed him to talk to JARVIS and quietly left his room, making sure not to create too much noise.

As he made his way down the long Avengers hallway and to his beloved lab, he noticed the faint light coming from under Steve's door.

"If you ever feel like going down to the lab, come to my room instead...

We're all here for you, so whatever you need, we'll be there to give it to you."

Tony stopped and gazed longingly at the tiny sliver of light. It was taunting him, filling him with false hope of security. Steve had most likely forgotten about his offer, something he had only said in the moment to be a good friend.

Well, he didn't need Steve anyway! He didn't need pity, he didn't need help, he didn't need anything! He could take care of himself. He was not helpless. His injury may have handicapped his ability to talk, but he was still Tony Stark. Genius, playboy, billionaire, philanthropist. He was not going to be held back by this, and he definitely wasn't about to beg on his knees in front of some super-soldier.

Tony huffed and walked with more of a purpose down to his lab.

<>>>With Steve<<<>

Steve was hunched over at his desk, sketching a blue flower that had started to wilt. He stopped mid-way through coloring it and dropped his pencil. For some reason, Steve could not get Tony out of his head. Everything he drew seemed to resemble something about him in some way.

It annoyed Steve to a point of near aggravation. Why did the stupid genius have to make his head spin this way? His emotions were going haywire trying to cope with Tony's actions. He never knew what to do or what to say, and he felt as though there was no way Tony would ever forgive him for failing so miserably.

But as he thought a little longer he started to feel more and more depressed. It was late, late enough for Tony to start heading down to the lab.

Maybe it was just wishful thinking, believing that Tony would actually accept his offer, popping his head through the door with his usual smirk. He knew Tony, and he knew that no matter what, Tony would never stoop to the level of accepting someone's help.

That pained Steve's heart slightly. Did Tony not trust him enough to open up to him? Well, of course! He literally couldn't trust Steve with his life, considering that this was all his fault. Part of him knew that was just how Tony was, but part of him still felt upset.

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