Chapter 7: Lab

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Steve's P.O.V

I tossed and turned in bed, kicking the blanket off of me, only to grab it again and wrap myself in a burrito.

No matter what I did, I just couldn't seem to go to sleep. I turned the fan off, then got up to turn it back on again. I got the heater out, only to turn it off, mumbling how useless it was.

I got three different blankets from the closet, one wool, one fluffy, and one so thin you could practically see through it, yet none of them made a difference.

I got a glass of water from my sink and that didn't help either. I decided to draw a little bit, but once I got to my desk I was hit with a complete lack of inspiration. After nearly three hours of trying to somehow manage to get to sleep, I got up and made my way towards the kitchen.

At the very least, maybe I could get some training done...after a sandwich.

As I was passing the lab stairs to get to the elevator, I notice a faint light shining up and around the curve of the wall.

Did someone leave the lights on or something? Or maybe...oh no. Nonononono, this is NOT GOOD!

Normal P.O.V

Steve rushes down the stairs, leaping off the last of them and crashes into the glass door, quickly typing in the code and shoving the door open.

He looks around frantically, hoping he was wrong, yet as his eyes settled on the couch, the super-soldier noticed a particular billionaire slouched down, sipping a drink.

"Tony!" He exclaims and the genius jolts in surprise, looking over the back of the couch to see Steve's shocked face. Steve could tell he was mentally panicking, yet he could also see the slight haze in his eyes and the slight sway to his body, even as he just sitting down. "Oh god, you've been drinking!"

He rushes over to Tony and eases his limp body off the couch, taking the wine glass from his hand and putting it over on a nearby table. Tony stumbles slightly, shaking his head and clutching at Steve's shirt.

"Tony, you know you're not allowed to drink!" He yells. Tony looked at up at Steve, saddened, before looking away stubbornly. "It's dangerous, Tony. You don't want to go back to the hospital, do you? This is for your own health."

Tony pushes himself off of the super-soldier and falls back onto the couch with a pout. It's not that big a deal... He thought.

Steve looked to the side and contemplated what to do. How was he going to handle this without hurting Tony? "Look, Tony..."

The billionaire stopped him from speaking by stomping his foot on the floor and nearly growling. Steve flinched and stared at Tony, unsure of how to react to that.

Tony was breathing heavily and there was a flush to his cheeks from the alcohol. He didn't want to be scolded more. He's been told enough what he can and can't do, what's 'good for his health', how he can 'better improve his life'. He was sick of it! He hated being told what to do!

Steve saw the look on Tony's face and slowly nodded in understanding. He silently went over and helped the genius up again, being careful in not being too controlling.

He hooked one of Tony's arms around his neck and wrapped one of his own around Tony's waist, gently leading Tony up the stairs and to his own room.

The super-solider set Tony down on his bed, carefully taking off his shoes and kidney-pads as he had already fallen asleep. He threw the blanket over Tony and walked over to the bathroom to get him a glass of water.

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