Chapter 9: Realization

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Normal P.O.V.

WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?! Tony thought as he aggravatedly shoved food into his mouth. I mean, would it KILL them to start a conversation? I don't even have to be a part of it, I just don't want all talking to end the second I enter a room!

The Avengers all noticed the grumpy look, but they figured he was just angry because of his situation. They were trying their best to not make him feel left out, but they haven't really found a good alternative other than just plain silence.

After a very slow lunch, they dispersed. Bruce mostly whining about having to go back down to the lab, while Tony smirked and gave him a pat on the back.

Natasha eyed Tony as he made his way to the elevator, earning herself his usual glare. She decided to trust him, hoping that he would make the right choice.

And yes, Tony did go back to his room, of course only to immediately pull up the holographic lab.

As he worked a little more, he fully submerged himself in his work, ignoring everything around him, as usual. And it's because of this that he didn't hear the door open.

"What's that?" A stern voice came from behind the billionaire.

Tony jumped and spun around in his desk chair, quickly turning the hologram off, but it was too late. Steve stood at Tony's doorway, trying his best to look angry, but he was more concerned.

He had left lunch earlier because he just couldn't bear to be around Tony. The way he would just poke at his food, or shove it aggressively into his mouth, with no snarky or sassy comments, for obvious reasons, always made him feel pathetic. He had done this to him. He had failed to protect his friend and now Tony was paying for it.

He had left, angry at himself for being so stupid, and went to the gym to work off his emotions. After thinking about it for a while, however, he realized that what he did was really selfish. Tony was having a hard time as it is, and seeing one of his friends just up and leave simply because he walked in couldn't have been too reassuring.

So, he decided to go apologize to Tony and explain why he did it, but instead, he was flushed with anger as he stared at the genius work away in a fake lab, blatantly ignoring direct orders given by both Natasha and the doctors.

Tony rubbed his neck, something that he started to do to remind himself he couldn't talk so he didn't damage his throat, and tried to think of a way to explain it.

"A hologram version of your lab? Really, Tony? What does it take to keep you away from your work?!"

Tony gritted his teeth and shrunk down into his chair. Steve took a deep breath in and calmed himself, he shouldn't yell at Tony, that would only make it worse.

The super-soldier walked over and sat on his bed, allowing him to be face-to-face with Tony. "Please, Tony, look at what you're doing here!" He pleaded. "I don't want to yell at you. I don't like being mad at you, but you can't keep doing this! You're hurting yourself, don't you realize that?"

The genius hung his head in shame. Yes, he realized what he was doing wasn't good for him but he couldn't help it! He loved being able to focus on his work, let his problems fade into the background as he jammed out to his favorite song, and tinkered with his newest project. He loved the smell his lab had, metallic-y and slightly sulfuric, yet it was like he was addicted. He loved that feeling he got after finishing his work, an overwhelming sense of pride and happiness. He loved the occasional bossing Bruce around as he tried to figure every new feature he had added in the past week. He loved the feeling of control he had down there.

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