part 3 - Being Threatened

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Xander was about walking away when his father shouted behind him.

"If you don't get married within a week, the company will be taken away from you".

Xander stood still, he gently turned around with a scorn on his face

" Ha.. ha.. very funny"

"I am serious Xander, I ain't joking about this". Mr Charles said with disdain.

Xander looked at everyone before he finally rests his eyes on one direction.

"Grandpa.. what's the meaning of this?" He asked trying his best not to break something.

"You left us with no choice my dear. Just as your father said, get married within this week or the company goes". Grandpa said gently.

Grandpa King is tired of games, he's tired of people throwing their happiness at his face. His grandson is angry all the time, they don't know why. He wasn't always like this, the loving boy he once knew has changed drastically. They thought if they pushed him to getting married he might change, well they're hoping he will.

His friends are all lucky that their grand kids are obedient and they settled down. ' why is mine so difficult', he asked himself.

"What kind of treachery is this. You're doing this on purpose, you know how much I love work and I wouldn't trade it up for anything...and you dare to use it against me.
I'm being threatened with what I love most, this is preposterous"
Xander exclaimed.

He knows they're serious, his grandpa has confirmed it because he has the authority to remove him.

He was confused and disappointed, what is he going to do about this issue. He doesn't like stressing over what wouldn't give him money.

"My son this is for your own good, you're not getting any younger, it's better to settle this once and for all, just get married okay". His mother told him gently.

" You say the word marriage like it's a piece of cake. I am not ready for that mom and moreover it takes two to tangle okay". He said annoyingly

"But there was some news about you and a girl, though we didn't get to see her". His mother said looking at Phil for back up.

Phil just shrugged off his shoulders, it's not his business anyways, he shouldn't butt in or he'll surely get it from Xander.

"It doesn't matter if you want to deny it or not we heard it from a reliable source that you're seeing someone. Why don't you just get married to her". Grandma says to Xander hopefully.

"Xander for once in  your stubborn life why can't you just do as you're told. We're doing this for your good and interests, so just get married already". Mr Charles said obviously annoyed.

Xander stared at his father, anger and disgust written all over his face. 

"So you're the Mastermind, you planned all this. It's no news that you don't acknowledge me or anything I do, but did you have to go this far by threatening me with the company". He said to his father.

"Will you shut the hell up, you're talking about acknowledgement. Do you expect me to clap for you when you are can your life evolve only around work, you expect me to acknowledge the fact that my son values work over his family, over his life and future..... Never, it will not happen, so you better get your shit together and go get married". His father said to Xander.

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