Hi ; )

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Hello and welcome to Through His Fingers.

I'm actually so  excited to start this journey and for  you to come along  this journey with  me. Like all  the other books I've attempted to write,  I've started this one with no clear cut intentions.

 I really wanted to incorporate a little bit about myself , the fact that I struggle with self love, confidence, putting myself out there. Something, I'm sure so many other girls go through.

I also  wanted to show how love defies all, racism, politics ect. I wanted to show how much colorism exits and how unbelievably stupid it is, how these things pale in comparison to a pure heart and love without bounds.

And how being loved doesn't only make you feel loved but feel love, spread love and be love.

Most importantly I want to have  fun through  interaction with you guys, getting feedback and learning to diversify my writing skills.

So again thanks for being here. It means the absolute world to me.  Hopefully I can achieve all these things while keeping this book mushy. I love mush. I love you for being here. 💞💞

Through His FingersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang