twenty - task completed

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You know as a woman I should be protesting cleaning up this mess Cesar made. I am sticking my neck out for this kid and he doesn't even deserve the tissue I shit in. Pulling the gun from under my passenger seat I get out of my truck and walk calmly into the empty park.

Crazy what can happen when you pay a few lousy Prophet$ off. Alone at a bench sits the curly haired boy who shot my dear friend. He doesn't notice me walking up to him, doesn't even flinch when I sit down beside him.

"Hi", I speak laying my head in my palm.

"Yo, wassup cutie?", he says turning and eyeing me.

"I was just in the neighborhood and wondered why someone as handsome as you would be sitting out here alone?", I ask in my sluttiest voice. I deserve an Oscar for this performance. Ha, an Oscar.

"Would you like to remedy that sweet thang?", he asks biting his lip.

From what I know this kid is my age and he has singlehandedly reminded me why I don't date my age. I'm sporting a perfect hourglass figure and all he can pull together is, sweet thang.

"Sure thing papi", I say swinging my leg across his lap into a straddle. He looks at me with pure lust in my eyes, his fingers falling to the string of my thong exposed above my jeans.

"Mmm where you from baby girl?", he says closing his eyes and taking a deep inhale of my Chanel perfume.

"Brooklyn bitch", I put the gun under his jaw and pull watching the bullet explode into his head with out batting an eye. Blood splatters my face and clothes, and a big cheesy smile covers my face.

I sigh into the fabric of my driver's seat and begin to laugh at the pure chaos of everything. The laugh continues and turns hysterical as I pull into my driveway and open the front door.

The laugh completely disappears when I see four men sitting at the dinning room table. Two men I don't know, one is my brother, and the other is Oscar, just as fine as when I left.

With a smirk I pull the gun from my waistband, empty the bullets and drop the gun on the table. I then walk to the fridge grab a water bottle and sit at the table.

"What's this?", one of the unknown men asks breaking the silence. Oscar's gaze pierces the side of my head but I give don't him the satisfaction of staring back.

"Water, it's good for my skin. Self care is very important. Or did you mean the stupid question about the gun?", I ask giving him a sarcastic smile.

"Who did you kill Yajel? Jesus you've been home for 18 hours", King whines. I roll my eyes, this whole "you should be a better person" thing is really annoying.

"Latrell, since it seems you guys couldn't get THAT done", I say.

"Yajel, you can't just go around killing rivals willy nilly. There's a truce going on, who the fuck is going to clean up your mess?", King barks.

"Relax I made it look like a suicide, paid off a few Prophet$ no one will be the wiser. I'm not a fucking amateur. You know a thank you would be nice", I say getting up from the table and walking to my bathroom.

"Cocky bitches."


As the other guys talk I can here Yajel cursing us out in Spanish and I can't help but smile. I love when she gets riled up, anger only makes her more attractive. Honestly, the only unattractive thing about Yajel is her tendency to push people away.

I understand she's been through more than any one should but I don't think she understands how willing I am to help her. Or at least be here shoulder to cry on and curse at.

"I say you all hit the bank tomorrow, in and out. I don't want any noise and this time check for dye packs, if I want colorful money I'll play fucking monopoly", King swears at Julio and Matthias.

I don't blame him, these two have been fucking up lately and it's getting annoying having to clean up after everyone's mess.

"It's like you two don't take this shit serious every time we send you on something you fuck up. If I have to clean up your mess again someone is getting jumped and it ain't me", I say and they nod seriously.

King sends them away with a wave of his hand and lights a cigarette. As if on clockwork I hear a door slam and feet pad against the floor.

"Smoke outside, it already smells like onions as is, take it on the porch or I'll stab you", Yajel barks before returning her shower.

"I swear it's like being married, she's been back for a day and she's already stressing me out", he says frustrated and putting out the cigarette. Ever since she started college he's been so worried about her, she hasn't been away from him for so long and I can tell it's effecting his health.

"Dude go out for tonight, go to a club, see a movie. I'll hold down the fort", I say patting his shoulder.

"I swear you're a life saver man, if she asks say I went to study or something", he says grabbing his keys putting another cig in his lips and throwing on a jacket.

"I got you, no problem", I say chuckling at how quickly he leaves the house.

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