Chapter 3

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The eight boys were exploring the new found land and so far found nothing.
"Hey, guys! Look!" Jisung exclaimed, and pointed to a cave in the distance.
"Let's go check it out." Jisung said before running towards the cave, however he looked like he ran at lightning speed...literally. He reached the cave but looked back to see the others in the distance.

"Jisung!" he heard. He could tell it was Felix because of how low the voice was.
"I don't know what I did!" He shouted back at them, "I'll wait for you guys over here!"

The other boys then started to jog to the cave, when they felt droplets of water fall from the sky. Soon it started to rain and they were still quite far from the cave, so they began to run.
Eventually they made it to the cave and they were all soaking wet, apart from Jisung and Jeongin.

"Jeongin, how are you still dry?" Seungmin asked.
Jeongin then examined himself as saw not a single drop of rain on him.
"I...have no idea..."
"Guys," Felix spoke, "This cave looks like it goes further, but it's really dark."

Seungmin began to slowly walk further into the cave. There was a suddenly glow emitting from somewhere, but he didn't know where it was coming from. That was until he looked down and saw that his clothing was emitting light.
"Okay, seriously, what is happening to us!?" Hyunjin exclaimed, "First, Chan-hyung starts growing flowers out of nowhere, I started floating, Jisung ran at lightning speed, and now Seungmin is emitting light from his clothes."
"Not to mention, I'm somehow dry even though I was running in the pouring rain." Jeongin included.

"Let's talk about that later, for now, let's explore this cave." Chan insisted.
The others agreed and started walking through the cave, using Seungmin as their light source. There was nothing interesting, but they kept walking. They stopped walking when they saw a wall of vines.
Changbin sighed, "Now what?"

They all walked closer to the vines to see if they could see anything on the other side.
"Hey, does anyone smell something burning?" Han asked. Soon everyone started smelling the burning smell. They didn't know where it was coming from, until they looked at Minho, who was oblivious that smoke was coming out from between the palm of his hand and the vines.
"What?" Minho asked. It was then that he noticed the smoke and quickly pulled away. But when he pulled away, a small flame flew out of his hand and burned all of the vines, revealing the rest of the cave.
"What the heck!?" Minho exclaimed.
"Okay, this is getting freaky." Felix said.
"Listen guys, I understand that is certainly at all not normal and we don't know what is going on, but our best option right now, is to try and something, or someone, to tell is what is going on." said Chan. Everyone took a small breather, and continued to explore the cave.

They saw a light at the end of the gave and began to walk to it. That's when they heard something rolling towards them. They looked back and saw a giant bolder running towards them.
They all started running at rapid speed and eventually made it to the end of the tunnel, most of them anyway. Chan and Felix were still running as Chan wanted everyone to go in front of him to make sure everyone was safe. While running, however, Felix tripped on a stone. Chan quickly rushed to him to help him up. The bolder was getting closer and closer they cover their faces with their hands to brace for impact. Nothing happened...well, except that there was now a barrier between them and the bolder. They took the advantage and started running towards the end of the cave, eventually making it out alive.

"Are you guys okay?" Jisung asked.
"We saw what happened." Minho said.
"We're fine, don't worry." Felix reassured everyone.
"Uh, hyungs?" Jeongin spoke up and looked at the dark mist in from of them.
"What is this?" Changbin asked, walking closer to it. He put one hand near the mist and it opened up a pathway.

At the end of the pathway was a weird machine made of gold. The eight boys walked towards the machine and saw, upon closer inspection, eight different coloured crystals attached to a small, golden stand.
"What is this?" Jeongin asked.
"Should we...touch it?" Felix suggested.
"The crystals correspond to our outfits..." Jisung pointed out, and he was right.
There were green, red, black, white, light blue, purple, yellow and blue crystals.

The boys took the risk. Surrounding the machine, they all touched the crystals corresponding to their colour at the same time.
There was a bright light that came from each crystal. A beam of light beamed out from each one and then joined together to form one giant beam of light, which shot right up into the sky, passing the dark mist.
The boys covered the eyes to prevent themselves from going blind.
Once the "light show" was over, the boys uncovered their eyes and saw, what looked like, a village. They removed their hands from the crystals and stood next to each other.

Suddenly, a door opened from one of houses of the village and a young woman slowly walked out of the house. She looked around and made eye contact with the eight boys.
Her eyes lit up, "Everyone! We're free! The mist is gone!", she cried.

People then started to walk out of the houses, all with shock on their face. There were even some small children running around happily.
"Look! Over there!" a man cried, pointing at the eight boys. All of the people's attention was on them.
"What do we do?" Hyunjin whispered.
" nice." Chan spoke.

A little boy ran over to them, "Excuse me, misters?"
All the boys looked at the little boy.
"Were you the one's that set us free from the dark mist?" The boy asked.
"Um...I believe so?" Chan answered, still unsure.
The boy smiled and turned his back to them, "Mommy! Mommy! It was them! They are the ones that freed us!".

A woman then walked up the kid, who they pressure is the little boys mother, and stood in front of them, more specifically, Chan.
"You freed us. I thank you for that." The woman thanked them.
"Your welcome, ma'am, but in all honesty...we don't know where we are or what this place is." Chan admitted.

"Well, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Min Jiwon, and this is my son, Taehyuck, and we live in the kingdom of the land 'Levanter'."

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