Chapter 16

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Every Kingdom is surrounded by a forest. The forest is like a border separating the kingdoms from one another. Within this forest is a hideout, hidden deep within the ground. Only a certain group of people know about this hideout.

A group of people, who plan to rule a Kingdom.
A group of people, who plan to do whatever it takes to rule a Kingdom.

A group of people...who plan to steal a Kingdom.

Choi Heeyoung, a female who plans to take over Signal after she was banned for experimenting on children.

Heo Bongcha, another female who plans to take over Moon Kingdom after being bullied for years and having no one to help her.

And finally, Lin Insu, a male who plans to take over Levanter after his parents were fired from working in the castle, who later died from sickness and lack of food.

These three, along with others who are hungry for leadership, spend as much of their time planning how to take down the rulers of these Kingdoms.


"Why don't you just attack Levanter right now? These new rulers won't put up much of a fight." Heeyoung says.

"Our people won't be strong enough to go up against their guards." says Insu.

"Well if you let me experiment on them I could make them stronger."

"If we let you, there's a chance that you might kill them or make them weaker." Bongcha walk into the room with three apples in her hands, throwing two of them to the other two in the room.

"Pfft, name one time that's happened."

Insu and Bongcha look at each other, and then back to Heeyoung.
"Nevermind, don't answer that."

"I do partially agree with Heeyoung though." Bongcha speaks, "It would be better to take action while they're still weak."

Insu bites down on his apple. The room is silent. Insu being lost in his thoughts and Bongcha and Heeyoung not saying anything.

"Mr. Lin." Insu and the other two women look towards the open door and see a women wearing a black coat.

"Jiwon," Insu says, "Do you need something?"


Hyunbok is sitting in his room, getting ready for the night. As he is folding his clothes, his CS starts to vibrate. He picks it up and presses the button to answer.


The voice gave him shivers. "Yes, Mr.Lin?"

"I'm just calling to make sure that you're still on our side. You've been pretending to be nice to them for quite a while now."

"No, sir. I'm still on your side."

"Good to know. Remember to update us on any information that would seem helpful to us."

"Of course, sir."

The call ends and Hyunbok puts down his CS. He sits down on his bed, still slightly shaking from the call.

He closed his eyes and tried to rid himself from his worried state. He is not stopping now to protect the new rulers for what horrible plans Insu might be planning.

That's a promise he is planning to keep, and he'll do whatever it takes to do so.

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