Chapter 14

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The eight boys are walking around the castle making sure everything is ready for today, as today Chan would be announced as the head ruler. All of them are quite nervous, seeing as this is their first formal event and their first event where they have other people over.

People from both Signal and Moon Kingdom are all coming to Levanter to meet the Head Ruler. Even though Jaebum was doing most of the talking, Chan is still quite nervous about messing up somehow.

"Hyung, stop pacing, you're giving me a headache." Changbin says to Chan, making him stop his pacing down and up the hallway.

"Sorry, I guess I'm more nervous than I thought."

"There's nothing to worry about. All you're doing is standing up, getting marked and then we have a small party indoors with the other Kingdom rulers." Jisung reassured.

"But what if I'm not cut out for this? I know you're all ruling Levanter alongside me, but I have to take care of you guys as well."

"We are more than capable of taking care of ourselves." Hyunjin says.

"Says the guy that flew into a bookshelf in the library almost making it fall over."

"Seungmin!" Felix yells before gesturing to Chan who looks almost as white as a ghost.

Felix walks up to Chan and rests his hand on his shoulder,"You're going to be an amazing head ruler, Channie-hyung. I know it." Felix says with a reassuring smile plastered on his face. This causes Chan to calm down a bit.

"Your majesties." Hyunbok walks towards the eight boys in the hallway, who all have their attention on him,"The rulers from Signal and Moon Kingdom have arrived."


"Greetings people of Moon Kingdom, Signal and ,most importantly, Levanter!" Jaebum yells from the balcony. All the citizens from the three different Kingdoms are in two giant crowds, making a path for the Head Ruler to walk down once they are announced. At the end of the path is Jihyo holding a thin paint brush and a small bucket of ink.

With all eyes now on Jaebum, he continued his speech.
"For so long, Levanter has been abandoned, with its people being trapped in their houses because of the black mist that took over the kingdom! The previous rulers having disappeared and yet to have returned!"

The people down below nod their heads sadly.

"However, a new set of rulers have come forth, and have taken the responsibility of protecting Levanter's land and people! And today, we announce Levanter's Head Ruler!"

The crowd cheers loudly with happiness.

"As Head Ruler of Moon Kingdom, I know the qualities of being Head Ruler can be stressful, challenging and, overall, nerve-wracking! These feelings are normal for a Head Ruler, but what's important is that they have the help of others, such as those who rule their Kingdom alongside them, their staff and even their citizens!"

"So to people of Levanter! You can help your new Head Ruler! Whether it be something big or small! And you can start helping him out now by cheering him on right now! Allow me to introduce to you, Levanter's Head Ruler, Bang Christopher Chan!"

The crowd starts to cheer once Jaebum finished his speech. Chan starts walking down the open path, the other boys following behind him. As they walk down, the other rulers of Moon and Signal bow down and Chan passes them, before joining to follow behind him like the others.

The crowd continues to cheer for Chan as he walks down the path towards Jihyo. The rulers behind Chan turn around to their citizens and did a silencing gesture to tell them to be silent. Once the crowd is silenced, they go to the sides of Chan and Jihyo so that the crowd can get a good view of Chan being marked.

Jihyo dips the thin paint brush into the black ink, as Chan tilts his head so that his neck is open for Jihyo to paint the mark. The black liquid soon comes in contact with Chan's neck. He shivers a little bit and the mildly cold substance being applied to his neck.

Jihyo finishes the last brushstrokes for the symbol, and hands the brush and ink to Nayeon. Chan tilts his head back up and turns to the citizens.

"Everyone! Please give another round of applause for Levanter's new official Head Ruler!" Jihyo yells at the citizens.

An roar of cheering took over the kingdom, with Chan smiling at them. Seeing everyone smiling and happy put him at ease, knowing that they trust him.


"It was you the whole time!?"

The rulers were now all inside the castle, casually having conversations amoungst each other. Sana is currently yelling at Chan for not telling her who the Head Ruler was before.

"I feel betrayed."

"But it was definitely a surprise, wasn't it?"

Just then, a woman rushes in towards Jihyo.
"Your highness, they've arrived."

The sudden message catches everyone's attention, especially the eight boys'.

"Who's 'they'?" Felix asks.

"We invited a few people over to meet you. They said they were going to be late, but I guess they've arrived." Jihyo explains.


All of them stood at the doorway of the main entrance to see the citizens staring at five girls wearing black and white clothing. The rulers make eye contact with the five girls. They start to walk closer to them and are eventually inside the castle.

"We're sorry we're late."

"It's no problem at all."

"So where are they? I'm so excited to meet them!"

The five girls all had different appearances. One had short dark blue hair with a hair pin holding back some of her hair. Another girl had brown hair with bangs. One had a black and white dress, and was the only one wearing a full one-piece set. The other had long, wavy brown hair with a few strands of platinum grey that are almost not visible. And then the last girl had dark brown hair that looked almost black, which was tied up into pigtails and had small tinsel hair accessories.

Upon further inspection, one of the girls catch the eight boys' eyes.

"Guys, meet the warriors of ICY."

The girl in the middle looks at the boys and her are then glued onto a certain one of them.



The others, except for Levanter's rulers, make a confused yet shocked expression.

"You guys have met each other?" Jackson asks.

"Met him!?" Yeji exclaims. Hyunjin yells after her:
"She's my sister!"

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