6 Sweet torture

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"Wake up sleepy head, it's your birthday today ", Jordan screamed into my ears excitedly. I turned my back towards him and said, " I'm still mad at you".He rolled over me and cupped my face, "Baby, please....please forgive me. I was so worried for you , my anger took the best of me and I reacted in a way I shouldn't. Hit me ,kick me do whatever you want but please don't be mad at me".They way he pleaded, did the magic.
God I wanna marry this boy one-day.
A smile slowly crept up my face and I pulled him towards me. He wrapped me in a hug and sang me the whole birthday song. So sweet of him.
" You really need to get dressed Anna, if anyone walks in on us like this they would definitely think we're a couple in action. "Jordan joked breaking the hug.It is then when I realized I was still in my bath towel from yesterday and throughout the night I was sleeping next to Jordan just in a small piece of fabric lying loose at my chest. The thought was enough to warm up my body, spreading a shade of pink across my cheeks.
He pinched my cheeks and teased me saying "Somebody is shy here, Oh God look at your rosy cheeks ". I tried to slap his hands away but instead he playfully tickled me over my blanket. While I was screaming his name to stop his sweet torture , my door flung open revealing my dad and mom with shocked expressions written over their face. Jordan unfortunately was shirtless too making the whole scene look like we were having fun. I wrapped the blanket around my body while Jordan climbed out of the bed.
I hung my face seeing my dad clench his teeth indicating he was extremely angry.
"Anna this is not what I expected from you. I want the both of you in my house by 6 in the evening tomorrow without fail . You got a lot of explanations to do Anna". My dad said feeling disappointed in me.
" And listen here you boy ,this better not be a time pass to you. She is my only daughter ,don't you dare mess with her feelings. " Dad shot daggers at Jordan before he left the room, slamming the door behind.
God, is this how you you plan to unite me with Jordan ? I don't mind as long as it works.

Despite the fact that I failed at conveying my feelings to him till this day, I still had the leverage of being his only girl bestfriend ,who was accorded a status similar to being his girlfriend or let's just say, I acted as one to keep him for myself from all others who were waiting for a chance to hit on him.
Well Dad, thanks for showing up ,now I know what to do.

Jordan seemed really tensed with the predicament I put him in ,which asked him to play along with me as my boyfriend in front of my dad and mom, who were convinced that we were in a live in ,sexual relationship as they caught us half naked in my bedroom leaving no room for doubt,eventhough we did nothing intimate ,but me screaming Jordan's name made it look like we were in a heated fuck session when they barged in.
Jordan wanted to say the truth but hearing my dads warning about breaking his only daughter's heart made him think twice. Threats can make you change decisions ,I guess.
I used his confusion to my advantage, and with great persuasion I made him agree to be my fake boyfriend. After years of hardwork he was finally MY BOYFRIEND. Hurray !!
Jordan for the whole day didn't look comfortable and was lost in his own world .I know he only took up this role as an apology to what he said yesterday, it was out of guilt he agreed to be my boyfriend where as I saw this as my golden chance to win his heart.
Suddenly my thoughts drifted towards the birthday surprise Jordan seemed to forget about.
Even though nervous, I wanted to know who that person was. So out of curiosity I went inside his room and asked,
"Jordy, uh ....where is my surprise, I mean someone you said you'll introduce me to "
"Oh yes, I forgot to mention, his grandfather was met with a car accident and was hospitalized yesterday . Being the one closest to the hospital he chose to stay the night and thus had to cancel our dates".
This accident had an odd familiarity to Mr Watson's case but I thought maybe a coincidence and brushed it off.
"Ohh" was all I said before I left his room .
I need to work harder before that loser takes away Jordan from me. With a new found enthusiasm I walked to my bedroom and slept happily.

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