11. His Personal Assistant

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" You got a lot of explanation to do ,Anna. " Maddie said looking pissed and Jealous?
" What are you talking about? " I asked clueless.
"Oh come on sweetie ,don't tell me you didn't expect to be the one. "
" What? Be more clear Maddie. I don't get what you saying " I was curious now.
" Why didn't you tell me that you were selected as his PA and that too on the same day we gave our interviews. You could have atleast told me, wasn't I your friend?" she pouted .
"Wait, what did you say?
Ohhh my God!!!.how's this even possible. Maddie I'm freaking out right now. I can't believe I ended up being his personal assistant because trust me I did a poor job ,it was my worst interview ever". I was amazed with the abrupt turn of events .
Well more than shocked ,I was confused with my new boss. There was no good reason why he would select me as his PA out of all the people available.

"What? Really? You didn't know, Ohhhhkayy. Well here's a bad news, our boss enquired about you and the reason behind your uninformed leave. And because apparently you avoided all my calls and texts for a whole day, I couldn't give him a proper answer leaving him angry and pissed at his new PA, that's you, for pending work on the very first day of your job". She shrugged her shoulders and handed me my file.

"What a start!!!I guess I'll have to face his wrath before signing in as his assistant."
I groaned and trudged towards his office.

"Excuse me "
"Come in" he said busy typing away on his laptop.
" Actually yester -" I was interrupted when he raised his hand and gestured me to stop. I closed my mouth and felt a bit embarrassed.

For the past 10 minutes I was standing like an idiot waiting for him to acknowledge me . He seemed to be fully engrossed in his PC and acted as if I was nonexistent to him. Ughhh!!!
I cleared my throat a number times to grab his attention but he simply ignored me ,not even once bothering to glance my way . God! this Jerk is such a Jerk.
With my patience running thin, I was now openly staring at him with a scowl on my face and profanities in my mouth. Cursing him under my breath, felt good. It's a ninja technique to kill time and boredom when stuck with a person you dislike.
After what felt like hours a single word rolled out of his mouth which had me thinking why had I ever wanted him to speak. He was better off as a silent person.
"DISAPPOINTED" he blurted out of nowhere.
" What? Why? " I asked puzzled.
"Disappointed that I chose you as my PA. You failed me on the first day at your job by not showing up . Isn't it common sense or perhaps you didn't find it necessary to inform your colleagues about your leave. Secondly you lack punctuality and discipline. Looking at your dress I can say you have zero sense for dressing. Let me remind you that you're no longer a waiteress Miss Anna but my assistant and I expect you to place your self according to my standards and please don't embarrass me further than you already have. " he said with a smug look . I was offended by how he criticised me for smallest of things.
" Mr Jacob , I'm more than willing to step down from this post as your PA as you clearly find me unfit and incompetent to be one. I'm sure there are many others who are interested for the -"
" What do you wanna prove huh? That I make wrong choices and I'm incapable of selecting the right person. " He said with anger lacing his tone. He left his chair and walked towards me and stood too close for my liking.
To show that I wasn't intimidated by him, I stood rooted to the ground and dared to look him in the eye.
" You don't make any sense, didn't you moments ago judge me. I don't know if I'm the right or the wrong person for this post because so far you are the one who gets to decide, not me".
"My decision is final and you'll be my PA. Make sure to keep a check on your attitude while talking to me next time , you understand ",he warned looking pissed.
" But I-" he pressed a finger to my lip and I automatically shut my mouth. To my horror I saw him crouch down to my face racing my heart beat to faster pace.Is he gonna kiss me? I panicked.
"No ifs and buts. I don't change my decisions. Now sign your contract and get back to work" he whispered against my skin and I felt goosebumps all over my body.
He then ever so slowly dragged his finger down my mouth, slightly pulling at my bottom lip in a sensual manner all the while staring at me with a dark emotion dancing in his eyes. The way those beautiful orbs darkened with lust scared the shit out of me . I was feeling suffocated in his presence, but my body didn't do anything to push him away. As if a spell was cast upon me ,I felt my mind completely paralysed. In no time I was backed up a wall and caged between his muscular arms. His face was just an inch apart, and our noses were touching each other sending tickles down my spine.

"Why would you fuck my boyfriend Anna?" he asked out of the blue.
"Huh? " I frowned.
"Heard you lost your virginity to him. Interesting! But sweetheart that wasn't sweet of you to steal somone else's boyfriend, now was it? " he hissed.
Am I hearing things? Did he say boyfriend, OMG was he referring to Jordan ,no it can't be.
"W-What are you t-talking about? I-I didn't steal anybody's b-boyfriend " I stuttered .
"Backoff bitch!! He's mine. JORDAN IS MINE" he grunted and before I could comprehend his words he captured my lips in a ferocious kiss.

How did Jacob come to know about her dirty little secret?
What would have happened between Jordan and Anna?
Why did Jacob kiss her?
Stay tuned for more updates.

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