10. Rejected and abused

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Why are you on my bed ,Anna ? What the hell happened last night? ANSWER ME YOU DAMMIT " , he fumed and bombarded me with questions.I could see his burning gaze dart up and down my naked body tangled in his bed sheet.

"J-Jordan yesterday, w-we -" I tried to speak but my voice wasn't cooperating with me . It felt like something was pushed down my throat blocking my vocals. All my courage went down the drain when I saw anger and disgust in his eyes for me.
"Fucking Speak or else I'll make you" he hissed and roughly grabbed my arm in a painful grip.
Pulling the cover up-to my chest, I managed to situp to ease the strain on my arm he was causing. With no other choice left other than letting him go, which I obviously couldn't, I reluctantly followed my plan to deceive his eyes and trick him to believe what was actually a lie.

"Jordan I-I was worried for you . Last night you were a drunk mess when I came in to your room to check on you. And I also wanted to talk about that incident, I mean about the.. k-kiss we shared- "

" Forced not shared, ANNA. " he spat and roughly jerked me towards him so that we were just mere inches apart .Instead of feeling butterflies, I felt dread seep through my veins at his proximity.

" Now stop testing my patience and tell me why are we both fucking naked on my FUCKING BED ". He shouted.
Gulping the fear which slowly started show up on my face ,I mustered up the little courage left in me to fight for my love.

" W-We had sex, Jordan ," I blurted out not daring to look him in the eye.
His hold on my arm loosened the exact moment and before I could gaze up to see his reaction, I was smacked so hard right on the same cheek as before , making me feel an excruciating pain shootup my face .The impact landed me off the bed and I fell in an odd position spraining my right ankle in the act. Tears had already left my eyes as I cried pathetically at how every inch of my body, especially my heart was wailing in pain.
He rushed towards me and didn't show any compassion or regret like I expected him to but instead he put me through more pain by digging his nails into my badly bruised cheeks whilst hovering on top of me.

"Ahhh..... Jordan leave me. Your hurting me. " I cried and tried to pry his hands off my body. My tears kept falling and I struggled in his hold to escape the pain he was inflicting on me.

" How could you make up such an awful lie Anna. I'm not an Idiot to believe you? We didn't do anything ,you get that? cause I'm a fucking GAY. You know what ,I even felt like throwing up when you forced a kiss on me, and you say we had sex ,really? Even in my drunk state my body would have repulsed on its own if you had dared and laid a hand over me." he said sounding confident and sure about how his body would have reacted towards me ,a female. But I had a difference of opinion ,I wasn't that sure about his body though. Initially in his sleep he rejected my few advances but there were times when he did respond to my touch in a way a man would do to a woman.

" We did it Jordan, you have to believe me. I don't know how else to explain it but last night you didn't seem to be yourself , you touched me in places you weren't supposed to and I didn't know how to react because I was confused. I thought maybe it was because of the kiss we shared you were acting like this. Scared of another slap to my face, I let you do whatever you wanted. But things escalated to the point where I couldn't do anything and our bodies couldn't stop either. We both gave into the heat of the moment and did it." I tried to explain my made-up story to make it more convincing.
"No.. This can't happen. How can we have sex, when I'm a gay? I still can't believe you. " he said looking disturbed. Taking his confusion to my advantage, I finally overcame my shyness and pulled away the blanket from my body. Like a pornstar I laid stark naked before his eyes.
"Shit Anna, cover up! " , he looked away shielding his eyes with his arm.
"Here is the proof Jordan. This is the only way I can prove it to you." I said and tugged his arm down.
After hesitating for more than a minute he finally turned his head towards me. Reluctantly but curiously he trailed his eyes down my body until it reached that spot. I could see him tense and go pale as if he saw a ghost.
Embarrassed to the core, I pulled up the stained sheets and covered myself from his gaze.
"No.. No. No. This shouldn't have happened. "
Frustrated, he screamed and held his head between his hands while he intensively stared at me.
Not able to meet his stare ,I scooted back and hugged my knee to my chest.
" Anna, I don't think we can be friends anymore. "

What do you think will happen between Jordan and Anna's friendship.

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