9. Manipulation & Madness

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Lying on my bed, I flinched everytime I heard Jordan break bottles after bottles, screaming profanties at me . The way he cursed and took out his anger on things that came in his way reminded me of his hard slap to my face which was brutal enough to bruise my cheeks black and blue .His spiteful words of warning before he left me in his car, helped me conclude one thing that I was just a mere friend to him whom he could easily replace with someone else. The realization that my touch disgusted him to the point of raising his hand on me, shattered my little hope in us.

But sadly even after everything, knowing very well that he doesn't want me I still couldn't stop myself from loving him nor could I ever let him go. My love isn't that sacrificing nor chaste like I wanted it to be but more of a obsessive type. The more I know I'm losing him the more I fall an addict to him. And I wasn't ready to see my years of hardwork and dedication go in vain, one way or the other I was determined to make him mine.

Today I lost my first kiss or let's just say I forcefully took my first kiss from Jordan only to unleash his unknown cruel side ,a face contrasting to the caring Jordan I've known for years. His cold demeanour shocked and hurt me to the extent that I decided to change myself just like him .
If he's not my old Jordy why should I be his old Anna?
I was even ready to fuck my morals and do cringe worthy things just to have him by my side. As long as he was mine, I didn't care whether it was by hook or by crook .

Being a believer I knew what I was about do was cunning and a grave sin, but love has no boundaries nor limits, you just act upon your feelings and I think that's what I'm doing.
Shredding my hoodie and pants,I wore a sexy see through night dress which barely reached my thighs and exposed my long slender legs and a lot of my cleavage making me feel like a cheap street hooker all ready for her next shot. Despite feeling gross, I timidly walked towards his room to find him completely wasted and wobbly over his feet. Bottles and broken glasses were shattered on the floor ,with puddles of liquor here and there. The whole room reeked of alcohol including him.
"J-Jordan". I stuttered and he snapped his head towards me.
With a scowl on his face he staggered his way towards the door and tried to push me out of his room.
" Gettt outt. I donn'tt wanna seeyu ",he slurred. " Jordy, I want to talk to you". I said holding his hand. " Nooo.... gooo awayyy" he pushed me but I resisted him. The amount of alcohol in his system made him weak and like a toddler having no balance nor orientation I easily overpowered him and dragged him back to his room where I laid him on his bed.

"Youuuu.. s-shouldn't have done... that", he mumbled .Tossing and turning he looked restless.

"I'm s-sorry ,I don't have a choice ",
I whispered and lightly caressed his handsome face ,planting a kiss close to his lips.
Inspite of having an inner debate with my conscience I finally gave into my evil plan and laid next to him. Adjusting my head on his chest ,I possessively wrapped my arm around his torso. As if he was in some sort of danger, his heart pounded against my ear in an uneven pace. I always wanted to be a good girl with some values but Jordan invoked the devil in me with his rejection.
Even in his unconscious state he resisted my touch by pulling my arms away from him.Annoyed I stranded his waist and directly laid full on his body rendering him helpless. After a few feeble attempts to push me off, he gave up as sleep slowly over took his tired eyes.
Confirming that he was fast asleep, I took my dress off and proceeded to undress him. My hands shook while I undid his shirt buttons revealing his washboard abs that's was worth drooling over. Nervous and flushed, I carefully removed his clothes one by one and finally left him in his boxers. I hesitated before taking my phone out and clicked a few nasty pictures of us in different compromising positions. Looking at the picture I felt guilty of what I was about to do. Punish me God but never separate me from Jordan.
" Uhh whatchya doiiing? Gettoffme. " he mumbled in his sleep. Even though he surprised me, I still sticked onto my plan as there was no going back now. I laid down next to him and buried my head in his chest while I contemplated on my next move which I dreaded the most. Jordan in his sleep cuddled me and pulled my body closer to him. Staring up at his face, he looked so innocent and kind that I wished that I had never met him before because this awful day would have never happened if we were just mere strangers.
Sealing the righteous voice within me I did what I thought I could never do, I used him, I used his body to quench my sexual frustrations which were bottled up for a long time now.
He moaned in his sleep everytime I left a hickey on his neck . My lipstick imprints were smeared all over his face and chest. During our heated moment my lips never left his plump ones and to my surprise I felt him responding to my kiss. Our lips moulded into a passionate kiss and he touched me in places he wouldn't have dared if he was in his conscious state.
Even though it was wrong on every level , it felt really good being this close to him. Throughout the night I didn't dare do anything else apart from kissing him because more than that ,being inexperienced, I didn't know what else to do.My intentions weren't to violate him but to make him mine for a lifetime. And inorder to execute my plan I used a red stain to taint his white bed sheets and also my inner thighs so as to make it look like I lost my virginity to him and that we made love to each other last night.

Waking up to Jordan closely cuddled to me I was scared and terrified of his reaction ,but my passion for him made me do things and I only hope he accepts me after learning that we did it yesterday.

What Anna did was wrong but will Jordan know the truth or fall for her trap is yet to be revealed. So stay tuned for more updates.
Happy reading and
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