irl; 1.26

766 15 0

Miniminter's POV

"Good afternoon boys," Jurgen said, "Today, you will be playing one and other, half pitch. If you lose you run."

"Shit," I said to the boys. Running was long and tiring.

"This should be fun," Lux commented.

"First, defensive players. Lux take on Josh."

We all stood to the side of the pitch, waiting for them to play. They flipped a coin and Josh started with ball. He headed towards Lux, did a spin move and aimed for goal. Lux's foot intervened, and he took control. He headed towards the goal, and Josh ran beside him. Just as he was about to shoot, Josh body blocked. Lux won the ball back, and, this time, his ball hit the back of the net.

"Shit," Josh said, "GG Cal."

The day continued like this, a hard training session. It was also fun because who doesn't love a bit of friendly competition. Being a part of a football club is like being a part of a second family. It was around 4:30 and we all headed into the locker rooms for a chat and change. Once I came out, I saw JJ sitting on a pitch side seat.

"Hey," I said, walking up to him.

"Hi there," I replied.

"You look cute when you play," he commented, smirking. I sat down next to him.

"You were watching?" I asked, stunned.

"Just a little at the end," he said, softly.

"Ew omg," I replied.

"Babe, don't act like I literally don't watch you on tele every weekend."

We both chuckled.

"Wanna walk around the pitch with me?"

"Sure thing."

As we walked, I just felt so happy. I was on cloud nine.

"So, this is where the magic happens?" JJ asked.

"Training is hardly magic," I told him.

He smiled at me as we continued to walk around the pitch.

"When did you know?" he asked.

"Know what?"

"That you wanted to play football."

"The first time I scored a goal. I was wearing a little baby kit, and I was on one of those baby teams. The ball just felt at home at my feet. From there, it was just about training hard. When did you know?"

"I really didn't know until I was half way through Uni. I was studying music, but I thought I'd produce. Then I hopped on a track for fun, and it blew up. I mean I'd always enjoyed rapping, but then, I knew it was more than that. It was a love," he said, looking straight into his eyes.

Shit, I was in love.

"Can we ditch dinner?" he asked, "I wanna take you somewhere."

I smiled at him. His eyes were filled with this energy, and it was the most captivating thing.


He grabbed my hand and we ran out to the parking lot. His McLaren Sienna was sitting there. He opened the passenger door for me before jumping into the driver's seat.

"Why this car?" I asked him.

"I started watching Formula One back when I was thirteen or fourteen, and my favorite drivers were the UK drivers, Lewis Hamilton and Lando Norris. Lando drives for McLaren, so I always wanted a McLaren, and the Sienna models just looked beautiful each year."

"I have a few guesses as to why Lando was your favorite," I joked.

"Be my guest," he replied.

"Hot 19 year old race car driver."

We both chuckled.

"Something like that," he agreed, "Who was your favorite footy player?"

"James Maddison," I said quietly.

"YES! He was defo hot," JJ joked.

"I wouldn't let my brother sell him on Fifa, even though he wasn't all that good in the game."
"That is something," he said, turning on the radio to a low volume. Of course, he was playing.

"Interesting tune," I said giggling. He was hardcore blushing.

"Come on then, give me a concert."
"No way!"

"Comeee onnnn pleaseee!"

"Absolutely not. I like you, but not that much."

"Meanie," I said, fake pouting.

He leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek, "Sorry love."

Now, I was blushing.

Eventually, we made it to a parking lot that seemed to be in the middle of nowhere.

"JJ, are you kidnapping me?"

"Trust me," he said, getting out of the car.

I laughed to myself. This was so JJ.

JJ opened my door, and I got out. We walked towards a gate that led to the forest.

"Hey! Good evening."

"Hi there, can we please have two tickets for entry," JJ requested.

"Sure thing," the lady said. JJ handed over 10 pounds and she gave him two tickets. He then shoved them into his pocket.

"Just remember, no going off the paths, no uprooting wildlife, and no sprays such as sunscreen and bug repellant."
I nodded and JJ said, "Of course. Enjoy the rest of your evening."

He grabbed my hand and we headed down the path.

I smirked at him, "What in god's name are we doing?"

"You'll see," he said, simply, "calm down."

JJ stepped off the path.

"J, what are you doing?" I said, reluctant to follow.

"Trust me," he said, stretching out his hand for me to grab.

I grabbed his hand, and he led me into the depth of the forest. It was really beautiful to be honest. I hardly left the city to admire nature. I saw a web of treehouses, linked by bridges. There were about three. They elegantly lay across the trees.

"Holy shit JJ, what is this place."

"You'll see."

We climbed up a ladder into one of the tree houses. Damn was it beautiful in there. It had a calm mellow vibe. There were many different artist's albums and posters.

"Is this where the magic happens?" I asked him.
"Yeah, I wrote most of my first album up here."

"How did you get this here?' I asked in awe.

"Magic," he replied.

I continued to look around.

"What are the other ones for?"

"Food and recording," he replied simply.

Shit, I really was in love.

"The suns going to set soon," he told me.

I nodded.

"Let's go to the one with the balcony," I suggested.

"Yeah," he replied.

We made our way across the bridge and onto the balcony. He was right, the sun was setting.

"Beautiful," he said.

"Yeah the view, it's, something else."

"I wasn't talking about the view," he said, sliding his arm around me. I blushed.

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