irl; 2.2

707 19 1


As soon as the game was done, Simon looked over to me wearing the biggest smile. I, of course, smiled right back at him. He was heading into the changing rooms. We were gunna meet in the player lounge after the game. I was escorted there along with Tobi and Ethan. We sat down and waited, just chilling and talking.

"Lads, lads, lads," Ethan said, "remember that show when JJ was completely hammered?"

We all burst out laughing.

Tobi, between breaths, recalled, "He could, haha, b-b-barely remember the l-lyrics."

We were all dying of laughter. I spotted Simon, Josh, Harry, and Vik enter the room.

"Hey boys," Josh said as they sat. Simon immediately climbed into my lap.

"Ewwww sweaty Simon," I said, laughing as I wrapped my arms around the boy. We had been dating for just over a month now.

"Good game, big dub," Ethan said, smiling.

"Thanks, thanks," Vik said.

"We only won cause of my sick shot," Harry commented.

"Really down because I think it was my 86th minute winner!" Simon said back.

"You can't get anywhere without my midfield assists," Vik said back.

Tobi said, "Come on lads, it was clearly Harry's fucking hair."

We all laughed.

"Who the fuck let him get that trim?" I commented.

"Boys, boys, it's not that bad."

We all said that it was, indeed, that bad.

"I feel so bullied."

Josh rolled his eyes, "How are we celebrating?"

"It's gotta be a night out," Ethan said.

We all looked at him hoping he would realize how stupid that was. He chuckled in realization.

"Right, right, my mates are pro football players who can't drink cause they have practice, got it got it."

We all burst out laughing at that one.

"Dumb shit," Vik said.

"Innit," Tobi agreed.

Simon buried his head into my neck, something he does when he's tired. I cuddled him closer.

"Awwwhhh Ksimon is such a ship," Harry said.

"All thanks to us," Josh said, high fiving Tob.

Si just blushed.

"You know, this is mad weird," Vik said.

"What?" Ethan inquired.

"It's weird how we became mates, it's just unlikely group ya know."

"Got us to thank for that," Simon said with a smile.

"Wow this got too mush to fast," Harry said.

"I'm so glad to have you all as mates," Josh said, jokingly, "I think a group hug is in order."

Group hugs had become a running joke. We all started dying of laughter. Funnily enough, the manager of Liverpool fucking Football Club decided to enter the room at that very moment.

"Hello there boys," he said, skeptically.

We started to giggle.

"What's up?" Harra said.
"This is, um, interesting," he said.

Josh said, "Yes it is. Have you met these three: JJ, Tobi, and Ethan."

"No I don't believe I have."

We all awkwardly said hi, and I said, "pleasure to meet you."

"And you JJ."

Ethan and Tobi did similarly.

"I just wanted to congratulate you four on a great game. See you on monday for training."

The boys all said thanks and see ya. Simon yawned.

I asked him, "wanna head to mine?"


"Bye lads see you."

The boys all said see you. We reached the exit to the car park, and I let go of Simon's hand. We hadn't come out yet. I really didn't want to let go of his hand, ever. We walked out to my car, hoping there would be no poparatize. Luckily, there wasn't.

We made it to my car. I turned the radio on to a low volume, and we let the silence comfort us.

After a few moments, I said, "Good job today babe. You are pretty awesome."

He smiled at me, "Thanks Jide."

"What do you wanna do this evening?"

"Movies and cuddles."

"I am assuming you are staying over."

"Always," he chuckled.

Simon was sat between my legs and was leaning on my chest. I had my arms wrapped around him. I loved him so much. We were watching the Lion King, his favorite movie. I leaned down to kiss his cheek.

"Hey," I whispered in his ear.

"Hi," he blushed.

"I love you," I said to him. It didn't feel like a big deal because it just felt so true.

"I love you too," he said, simply.

We both wore wide smiles, and leaned into kiss him properly. Our lips met and we just felt each other. I held him closer. He still smelled of sugar and grapes. 

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