Hitoshi Shinso

18 2 6

I drink my blood, and everyone looks at me, I put my bottle away and hurry to class. I get in and bump into a purple-haired boy. " Sorry," I mutter.

" No, it's ok, what your name?" The boy asks.

" Moon," I answer.

"Hitoshi Shinso, but call me Shinso. do you have a last name?" Shinso asks. I was about to say that my last name was Aizawa when my dad comes in, in his sleeping bag. I groan.

"We should stop talking Aizawa asses us on how long it takes us to be quiet," I say, getting back to my desk.

" It took you three seconds to quiet down, I admit it's better than most classes, but still too long," Dad says. " Anyway this is your homeroom, we'll do attendance, and all that, So, let's begin," Dad says. He calls attendance and then lets Present Mic in to start English.

It's finally lunchtime and I can't wait " Hey, you never told me your last name." Shinso says.

"Er... Can we discuss it after school?" I ask.

" Sure, you want to come sit with me at lunch?" Shinso asks.

" Yeah, but are you going to have any other friends there?" I reply.

"Yeah, why?" Shinso questions.

"We can talk about it at lunch," I say. Oh no, now's the worst possible time to get thirsty, I don't want to lash out and kill Shinso, so I take out my blood bottle and drink it. Even though Shinso looks at me while I drink it he doesn't acknowledge it. I decide not to acknowledge it either and we go to get some food.

" Thanks, Lunch Rush," I say, and take my food, Shinso does the same and we walk to our table.  On the way, we pass Bakugo's table he sees me and says to Kirishima, Sero, and Kaminari " This is the extra I bumped into in the morning."

" I'm not an extra," I mutter, trying not to go up to him and punch him using my super strength.

" You want to bet on that?" Bakugo asks.

" Yeah, in fact, I'll fight you after school, Explosion boy," I say, whenever I get angry, my fangs come out and Bakugo probably saw.

" What the hell is wrong with your teeth, you a vampire or something?" Bakugo joked.

" Yes, now leave me be," I answer. Bakugo just stood there gaping, and Shinso led me to his table.

" Did you actually mean what you said to Bakugo?" Shinso asks.

" Yeah... I'm going to go now, probably don't want to sit next to a vampire." I say.

" Shinso, what are you doing bringing vampires to our table? What do you have a death wish?" A girl with silver waves and sickly gray skin asks. I get up and leave without another word, why would they want to sit with a vampire, I throw Lunch Rush's food away and step out into the hallway.

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