Provisional license exam I

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" Moon, I am glad you could make it, this is the new student Akira Fujimoto, "Iida says doing his weird arm chopping thing.

" Iida I think she can introduce herself." Kirishima chimes in.

" Akira Fujimoto, but call me Akira." The girl says. Akira reaches out her hand to shake it, and I do. After she shakes my hand she clutches her head. Akira mutters something under her breath.

" Now that we have everyone together, board the bus, and we can head to the provisional license area." My dad says in his monotone voice. We all board the bus, and we get on the topic of quirks.

" Speaking of quirks, Akira what's your quirk?" Kaminari asks.

Akira's eyes widen and I swear I see a bead of sweat form on her forehead, then she breathes out. "My quirk is called Administer, I can speak to the person who administers this world, the person can control everything, all the elements, everything that happens, and well, she speaks to me in my head," Akira explains. Everyone was silent for a moment, and we arrived. We got out.

"Let's all do great, PLUS ULTRAAAAAAA!" We all exclaim, although, someone I haven't seen for a long time chimes in at the end.

" It's not nice to intrude in other people's huddle, Inasa." Some random dude says.

" I am so sorry, I just have such a respect for UA," Inasa says, bowing down so low his head touches the ground and blood gushes from his head.

" Inasa, if you had such a respect for UA you wouldn't have gone to another school because you didn't like a certain person," I say. Inasa glares at me and then Todoroki.

After Inasa goes back to his school's group, Ms. Joke and her class comes along. " Eraser, I haven't seen you in such a long time, MARRY ME." Ms. Joke says desperately. Ms. Joke keeps rambling. " C'mon we could start a family full of happiness, and you would always be laughing." Ms. Joke says.

" That sounds like a nightmare." My dad and I say at the same time.

Ms. Joke finally notices me. " Like father like daughter." Ms. Joke says, with a fake laugh, and then she shoots me a glare.

" Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." The whole class says. Ms. Joke suddenly groans and steps back to her class. I catch Akira moving her hand by her side.

I walk over to her. " Thanks, but you didn't have to do that." I thank.

" What are friends for?" Akira rhetorically asks.

Then a black-haired kid comes over to us. (I'm not going to get his lines exactly right) " Wow, it's so amazing to meet class 1-A in person." I realize that the kid is Yo Shindo, you can't blame me I had to do a bunch of research on the other schools. Shindo tries to shake my hand.

" Your eyes don't match the ' sincere' look on your face," I say with air quotes.

" Moon, don't be rude." Kaminari whines.

" Oh it's ok, it just shows how strong her heart is," Shindo says.


We've all changed into our hero suits, and we're listening to this Mera guy explain what we're doing for this test. I already know that our class should stick together. Immediately Todoroki and Bakugo leave our group and Kirishima and Kaminari follow him. " No one else is going to leave, right?" I ask. No one says anything so I take that as a no. There are a bunch of students from other schools, throwing their balls at us, and we all try to dodge, with me teleporting as many balls as I can, away from our class. Then Shindo touches the ground, and the ground quakes, separating our class. I grab onto whoever is closest to me, with one hand, and grab another person with my other hand. We end up at the very end of the rocky terrain, practically in the forest area. I look at who I grabbed, I took the hands of Ojirou and Tokoyami. I looked at the top of the forest and saw someone, I thought I would never see again.

A/N: Sorry I haven't posted in such a long time, I've been writing this story, and I started this new story, that you guys should really check out if you like powerful OC's,

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