Losing once again

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Author POV

Everyone else did what Midoriya said, and soon enough all there was, was the air version of Moon, she quickly flew away though, as they started to see their next obstacle, Moon had lit the rest of the hallway on fire, Lemillion had already ran forward, but the pathway was still twisting, and they soon saw just how dangerous Moon's elements are.

Moon POV

Soon Lemillion appears, and sees me and is very confused for just a second, then he slips under to grab Eri. (so I kind of forgot what happened in their little battle I remember important details but not the tiny things) I put up a wall of fire, to delay him, then he grabs Eri, and puts Eri into his cape thing and runs away, as Lemillion goes back to grab Eri, he neals down to pick her up and I see one of the Shie Hassakai going to shoot him, and when he does I see that it's a red bullet with a silver needle poking out, I recognize that bullet, but I if I do anything I know they'll try to kill me over and over again, even though I just heal up quickly doesn't mean it doesn't hurt, and the more someone stabs me the less I live so if I were to be stabbed for hours on end I would probably die, so I just have to watch as Lemillion is shot in the neck, and now, he's quirkless. Anger hits me so hard, the roof of the underground base gone, and rain pours down, Lighting strikes and it gets hard to see, the wind blows it's a horrible storm.

Author POV

A horrible storm was brewing, and not just metaphorically, a horrible storm if it continues any longer there might be a flood. But the anger that Moon felt wasn't just for Eri being taken away but for the knowledge that Mirio was going to be quirkless for the rest of his life unless they take Eri and she gains control on her quirk, then only then will he be able to get his quirk back. Moon was enraged because she knew all of this, and she also knew that he won't be able to get his quirk back until years later when Eri would be able to reverse it all, she didn't necessarily lose control most of the storm was her, but she would soon lose control, and be knocked unconscious. While the storm raged Overhaul was grinning like a madman, this was exactly what he wanted, the heroes would have much more trouble taking Eri away from them.

A/N: I know, I know this was short but I really wanted to publish this because I had no idea where to end it, this book is coming to a close and I really want it to I know some of you might not want it to end but I need more time to work on Lemillion ( not the hero) so I'm really glad to end this and the good message for this chapter is:

Have you ever fallen for someone so unexpectedly and all you want is to be with them but they like someone else..? 😐

Ya'll don't have to reply to this, this comment is from I'm not her not by Clara Mae tho.

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