•|Chapter Five|•

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This chapter is triggering for some. Fighting and nonacceptance take place.


September 1, 2017

"I can't believe we only have three days till senior year starts," Carry pouted as she measured out two cups of powdered sugar.

I can't either. Especially since all my plans were cancelled. I no longer had a person that I could go out with a bang and make memories that I would smile  and laugh at in the future.

"I know."

"I just, it's not really registering that this will be my last year in school before college.  Like, where did the time go?" 

Lets see, we didn't go to any dances except the one in Junior year, but that was because Brandon had a 'cool plan' to pull. We didn't go to any parties, mostly because Brandon or myself wasn't invited. We would just stay home at someone's house doing nothing. And there was the fact that Brandon and I were keeping our depression away from you for the most part because you were suffering yourself and didn't need to deal with our problems as well.

"I don't know, the years just flew by." Except for when we were in school, then the days dragged on. Especially when they decided to mess with me, which was most days.

 "That they did. I mean adults always told me that as you get older time goes by faster, but I just didn't believe them." She slowly spread the frosting over the nuts onto the banana bread.

Neither did I, and if anything they seem to be going slower.

"Anyone home?" Carry's dad called out.

"We're in the kitchen!" Carry said smiling down at the delicious bread.

Max walked into the kitchen with a smile on his face, but when he saw the bread we made it disappeared. He slowly walked into the kitchen and crossed his arms.

"I dropped by to give you this," he said, holding up a bag from Kohl's. "But it looks like you wont be needing it."

Oh no. Please don't do it. Just set the bag down and leave. Please.

"What do you mean I wont need it?" Carry scrunched up her eyebrows, clearly not seeing the signs of whats going to happen.

"Seeing as you-"

"Max? What are you doing here?" Carry's mom asked, setting down her purse. She looked exhausted from working at the hospital.

"I was just stopping by to give Carry something, I was just leaving Marindia." 

Nice save, I rolled my eyes. Slowly he set the bag on the counter before he left the house. Carry quickly opened the bag, a light smile on her face. He had bought her a nice blue, purple, and pink sunset dress. When she caught sight of the price tag her smile disappeared and her eyes began to fill with tears.

"Ca-" Marindia began, but she was already outside.

"I'll take care of her." Before I went outside I looked at the tag, and noticed it was a extra large. Carry at the least wore a double x. The price was astonishing, he paid sixty-five dollars for it.

Walking into her back yard I couldn't see her. I didn't even have to think before I walked into the woods. Once I was able to see the tiny pond I spotted Carry sitting on the bench under a weeping willow. As I got closer I could see the tears on her face.

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