Chapter 5: Trigedasleng Lesson

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After hours and hours of training, Titus decided to let them rest by doing the Trigedasleng lesson. As Skaikru trainees, they need to be able to speak the native language.

"Alright skola (students)!" Titus gathered everyone, Clarke included, in a big room next to the training room.

In this room, the walls were covered in bookshelves, full of really old books and maps of the lands near. In the middle of the room, there were desks with a papyrus, a feather and a small cup of ink on each one. In front of the desks, there was a board. The room looked exactly like the classrooms they had on the Ark.

"This will be where you will learn Trigedasleng, war strategies, our history..." Titus explained "Today as I said we will begin with our language. Tell me what you already know!"

"I know that Sha is Yes and No is No!" Jasper quickly responded.

"Seda means Teacher, Heda means Commander and Natblida means Nightblood." Raven added.

"Ai laik Belomi kom Skaikru en ai laik skola kom Heda en Fleimon-de! (I am Bellamy of the Sky People and I am student of the Commander and the Flame!)" Bellamy said.

"Os job Belomi! (Good job Bellamy!)" Titus congratulated him.

"Chof Seda! (Thank you Teacher!)" Bellamy replied.

"Klark na sis yo au dig au Trigedasleng! Din yu na Klark? (Clarke will help you learn Trigedasleng! Won't you Clarke?) Titus asked her.

"Sha Seda! Ai na sis emo au! (Yes Teacher! I will help them!) Clarke obeyed.

As Titus continued the lesson, Clarke got lost in her thoughts...

She wouldn't really help them. She couldn't care less about them. Part of her didn't want them to learn Trig. First of all because now they couldn't understand her! She could say whatever she wanted without them knowing.

In addition, they were strangers! They didn't belong here! They thought, what?! That they could stay on the ground for 10 years and that everything would be perfect among them and the 12 clans?! No! Of course not! She didn't know why Lexa would even agree on them being trained in Polis. With her! With a Nightblood! What if they tried something?! What if the tried to kill her?! Of course she could take them without even blinking but how could Lexa trust them? She always thought that Skaikru was the enemy! When they landed, we went to war! They killed so many of our people and we killed so many of their people! How could we now be in peace and have them in Polis?!

Nothing made sense to her! Maybe she was afraid for her. Maybe she was afraid for Lexa. Or Polis. Or maybe it was that she couldn't trust anyone anymore. Maybe she started to like these new people and that scared her! It scared her that they weren't so bad. They were actually nice! Even Bellamy who she hated for no reason! He was nice! He stood up for her this morning in the climbing lesson. Why would he do that?! He didn't even know her and yet he helped her anyways! She was Trikru and he was Skaikru! Everything was so confusing! She didn't know what to do anymore!

What if she opened up a bit? What would happen if she lowered her walls? Would they betray her? Or would they protect her?

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