Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot

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Yeah. That's our team name, thanks to Sierra. Well, she didn't stay on our team for long. She decided to move to Team Amazon, Cody's team, so we got Izzy.


I didn't want Sierra to leave. Not because I liked having her on the team, but because I didn't want her to be on Cody's team and stalk him all the time. While we where doing the first challenge, she was talking to Izzy, and Cody had walked passed.

"Did you know Cody slept with a stuffed emu named Jerry until he was...well, he still does..."

I walked over to her. Even though Cody and I hadn't spoken in a while, I still wanted to keep an eye on his stalker.

"And you know this how?"

"I called his aunt once. I pretended I was a telemarketer!"

"Ooh, stalkerlishus."

After the second part of the challenge, Team Victory lost, and Team Amazon won, so my team was stuck with Team Victory in economy class.

Alejandro was a good asset to our team, sure, but he was an awful person. Non of my teammates saw through his act, so I guess there was no way for me to prove how bad I thought he was. Owen was really my only good good friend on my team. I guess Tyler was there, but I only really talked to him at the Playa last season.

While I was sitting in economy class beside Owen, the plane kept going through turbulence. Owen was having a panic attack, and after a while it began to get on my nerves.

"I'M TO YOUNG TO DIE!" Owen cried, while a few screws came loose on the other side of the plane.

"Stop sweating lunchbox." I told him, "air travel is like, the fifteenth safest mode of transportation, unless you're in a death trap."

Just as I said that, a few slabs of wood that held part of the plane together fell off, leaving a large hole in the side of the plane, exposing us to the sky.

"This one, for example!"

I held on to the bottom of the wooden bench where I sat, trying my hardest to not freak out. Everyone else wasn't hiding their true feelings, such as Lashawna, who held onto the bench for dear life, trying not to get swept away.

"This is not the way Lashawna is leaving this world!" She cried. Her gripping became weak, and she started to fly over to the hole in the wall.

But of course, Mr Savior had to save her. Alejandro clutched onto her wrist just before she could fall, and pulled her up to stand on her feet. Even though the wind was still violent, Lashawna managed to stay on her feet.

I rolled my eyes as Owen let out another scream. The straps of his backpack started to rip, and he too flew towards the 'exit'. But of course, the hole wasn't big enough for him to fall out, so he just got stuck there, half in and half out of the plane. The wind stopped.

We all stood there in silence, looking at Owen.

"Yeah, not that this isn't fascinating and all, but my butt is being sucked out of a plane!"

I rolled my eyes and got up to help him, along with Tyler and DJ. I grabbed onto his ankle and tried to pull him back into the plane, but of course, I wasn't strong enough, because I am weak, and a scrawny seventeen year old boy.

We got him out after a while, but not until Chris called us down to tell us about today's challenge.

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