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Can Divit, world traveler, renowned photographer, and broken man, not only his heart but his spirit also.

He had been known for his free spirit, his love of travel and his tendency to be a loner. That was until he met Sanem Ayden.

Now all he was, was a broken man. His heart shattered nearly a year ago when Sanem had once again believed the words of others announced him to be the Kotu Kral (bad king). Standing on the deck of the boat, wind blowing through his shoulder length hair, he thought back to the night he left and was still hurt by Sanem's rejection.

Since that night he had been sailing the seas near his homeland of Turkey and since that night had not stepped foot on Istanbul soil. He hated that he needed to be close to her, needed to know if she needed him he would be close by. But staying away from Istanbul and Sanem was no longer an option not since he received the note from his Baba. Staying away, well, that was soon to change.

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