Chapter 10

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Learning the truth

The morning soon arrived that everyone had been waiting for, well, a few would soon wish the day had not yet started. Can had arrived in Istanbul the evening before docking his boat at a slip close to the estate, but, not so close that he would accidentally run into Sanem. He had gotten up early and took a taxi to pick up his truck and drove to the address his father had given. When he parked near the back door, CeyCey was there waiting for him. When the door opened and Cey Cey walked out, Can was overwhelmed by the feelings that he had by seeing this funny little man, his friend. Ceycey, as only Ceycey would, jumped into Can's arms and hugged his friend.

"I am so happy to see you Can Bey"

"Can, Cey cey, just Can, we are friends, Abis."

The little man had tears in his eyes as he led Can into the office area. Deren was there already and she ran to hug Can also. Aziz welcomed his son into his arms and then took him around the office and showed him how it was set up. He explained that Huma and Yigit would arrive first, then Emre, Leila and Deren would join them. The Aydens would arrive and be placed into an office until time for the others to arrive. Muzo, was to have met Ayhan and Osman and explained to them what was going on, before he brought them to the office. Sanem would arrive last believing she was attending a spiritual meeting that Deniz had asked if she attend with her.

"Can, you will be here in this inner office, you can come out any time you want, but no one will know there is a door there, it only opens from this side or by remote from our side, which I will have in my pocket."

"Has everyone agreed to come then "

"Evet." Aziz then asked ceycey and Deren to give them some time alone. After they left, Can took a seat and watched as his father paced around the room.

"What are you not telling me Baba?"

"Can I did not show you everything because I wasn't sure how to tell you some of the things I found out. You will hear these things along with everyone else. I know it will hurt you, but it may also be a relief for you. It will certainly explain some things about your childhood."

"What is it, tell me now please. Don't let me be blindsided with this news on top of everything else, Baba please, I don't know if I would be able to hold myself together with any more bad news."

"oh my son, I do not consider it bad news, but it will add to your anger. I know I told you a little about Mirhiban, that she and I were involved. She was, is, actually the love of my life."

Then Aziz sat down by Can and proceeded to tell him what the PI had found out about Can's childhood. Can sat back in his chair, staring out the window, not sure how to take the news his father had just conveyed to him. This certainly gave reason to why his life had played out as it did. His Baba was right, his anger at Huma tripled after this news.

"Did you know Baba?

"No ,Can, not until the PI investigated, I did know the last time I seen you, but wasn't sure what I should do. This will be a shock to many people. I told you now instead of during the meeting because I did not want you to come out of hiding until everything is told. I need you to keep yourself together and not lose control of your anger, for Sanem's sake, please. She is going to need you more than ever after this meeting. "

Can looked at his father with tears in his eyes.

"I understand, I don't know what to think or do right now, but I am glad you told me now, because you are right I would probably come out and strangle Huma. I am not sure I won't anyway. Will Mirhiban be here Baba?"

"Evet! She is coming to support Sanem, she has become a good friend to Sanem, and as I said, she lives on Mirhiban's estate and she has protected and taken care of Sanem since she left the hospital. It seems the only support Sanem has is this small group of people. Muzo, Deren and Cey Cey helped us to find out the truth. This will also be the first time she and Huma are in the room together since she left me. She is a strong woman, but Allah, she has a temper to be matched like no one I have seen. Sanem reminds me a lot of her, her sweetness, kindness and how she cares about others."

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