Chapter 2.

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Deren walked into the office, not paying very much attention to her surroundings. She knew the office was empty and no one would receive the reports she was laying on the desk. But without fail since the day Can had left, she placed copies of all reports on the desk. She needed to do this, she needed to believe that one she would walk in and Can would be sitting there sipping his cup of chai.

She missed him, missed them both. Yes her relationship with Sanem had gotten off to a rocky start but the young woman had stood up for her and she realized that her jealousy of Sanem was unfounded.

Turning to walk out the door she noticed movement by the window and turned to look. Letting out a loud scream that startled the man at the window. He turned to see Deren standing there so he opened his arms and she immediately ran into them, holding on as if her life depended on that hug.

"What are you doing here? When did you arrive?" She asked without taking a breath.

"Last night, I am visiting for a few days and wanted to see how things were going and to visit dear friends."

"What did you place on the desk?"

She blushed, embarrassed by her actions. "I place copies of all the daily reports on Can's, um, your desk. I do this everyday, mostly out of habit now but at first hoping one day i would find Can sitting there."

Aziz smiled at her. "I hope the same thing, my dear. Maybe one day it will happen."

He asked her to join him for coffee and to update him on what was going on in the agency. With the excitement of seeing him there she didn't hold back. She told him most of their customers were not happy with the way the agency was being ran and that the financial situation of the company was not good.

"I really don't understand the financial portion, that is Emre and Leyla's department but our budget has been cut to the bare bone."

He asked her to pull files for the clients she was most concerned about and bring them to him.

When she returned she placed several files on the desk "I hope I didn't overstep my place but i don't want to hide anything from you. I am truly concerned about the company and if we will be able to survive if we lose any more clients."

She left him to look over the reports and after a couple of hours of reviewing them he knew why she was concerned. Becoming tired he packed up the files and walked out of the office. Literally running into Leyla as he stepped through the door.

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