chapter 1.

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After nearly two years away, Aziz Divit walked into his beloved agency, a huge smile on his face. He had been missing Istanbul and was glad to finally be home. Standing just shy of 6 feet, today, walking into Firki Haraki, he felt as if he were 10 feet tall. He even seemed to have more energy, feeling excited to be there.

As a young man, he had gone out on a limb and had defied his family's wishes by deciding to start his own agency. He had faced a lot of hardships during that time but now he felt the hard work and times were exactly what he needed, especially after losing the love of his life. The agency had helped him live, giving him life again.

He was planning on only spending a few days to visit the company and spend time with Emre, his youngest son. He understood that he would need to follow his physician's orders and take it easy, knowing he was still not back to full strength as last night proved to him. The flight to Istanbul had caused him to be extremely tired and he was more than happy to arrive at his hotel last night. This morning though he felt better, more refreshed and relaxed.

After checking things out seeing the people he loved that worked at the agency and spending time with Emre he would return to Cuba to finish his treatments.

Aziz spotted Cey Cey, the quirky little man, who always seemed to be nervous, afraid he would be fired at any moment. He smiled to himself, he had always enjoyed being around Cey Cey and thought highly of him because he knew he loved Firki Haraki as much as he did. He was loyal to Aziz and the company. He knew this young man had his hand on the pulse of the company, he may act as if he didn't have a clue but Aziz knew he knew more than he let on and he kept that knowledge to himself. Cey Cey was always around and faded in the background most people not realizing the man was there listening to what was being said.

Aziz knew that Sanem and Cey Cey had become close friends when both were at the agency. He himself had enjoyed being around her and had finally developed fatherly feelings for the sweet and naive young woman, she reminded him so much of his one true love. He hoped the two were still close and he would ask about Sanem, he needed to know how she was doing and how she felt about Can.

Walking into the office that had once been his and than Can's, he was looking around when Emre walked through the door looking not only surprised but nervous his Baba was there. He walked over to hug his father.

"Baba, when did you return home?"

"Late last night" he answered.

Watching Emre's reaction to his words he was sure he seen a look of anger in his eyes for just an instant.

"You should have called me to pick you up."

"No problem, it was late and i was tired so i just took a taxi to my hotel. I am meeting some old friends but hoping we can have dinner together before i leave"

Emre's nervousness seemed to ease as Asia's uneasiness increased. What was Emre hiding? His gut instinct had never failed me and right now it was kicking his ass.

"I wish i had known you were coming i have meetings outside of the office all day today."

"No problem i will visit and then we can meet up tomorrow for lunch or dinner."

Emre hugged his father then left.

Aziz, a man of integrity, always believing in the truth, respect and honor. Until today he had believed he had instilled those beliefs in his sons. Maybe growing up with Huma had a bigger impact on Emre then he knew. Can he knew was just like him, always truthful and expecting that in others.

He knew Emre was jealous of the relationship Can had with him. Emre had grown up living with his mother only seeing his father and brother during school breaks, but until Aylin had become a part of their lives that had never been tested. Emre had a good heart Aylin had just pushed the right buttons and caused a lot of issues between the two brothers. Aziz was happy she was no longer part of their lives.

Sitting behind his desk, he now had more questions. This visit might not be as restful of one at that. Noticing Cey Cey standing outside the door he motioned for him to come in, asking if he could bring me some coffee. He needed to think and plan where to go from here.

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