Chapter 3.

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Running into, well actually looking for Leila, was something he had planned on doing earlier today, he had gotten so busy looking at the files he had not had time to speak to anyone. She had always been one of his favorite employees, always working hard, staying on task. He had noticed that she seemed to be a loner, she ate lunch at her desk, never speaking of meeting friends after work. He had always thought she had a crush on Emre but as far as he knew nothing came of that. She did seem a little standoffish to her co-workers and was hard on Sanem when she started working there. But she was loyal to the agency and that was all he could ask of her. He pulled her in for a hug and asked about her parents and sister.

"My parents are doing well. Baba still running his store and Anne is no longer head of the mahala. She gave that up to look after Sanem when Can left."

When she didn't say anything about Sanem he asked her again.

"Sanem is Sanem, self-centered. Thinking only of herself, does not worry about the problems she is causing everyone else. Her lies are causing hardships for others to overcome."

Aziz was shocked by the sharp reply. She spat the words out as if she hated Sanem.

"My parents have had to put up with a lot from her since this mess started. She is acting out, telling lies, not thinking about how my parents feel at all. I even told my parents not to read her book because it would only hurt them more."

These words surprised him even more, he was intrigued more then ever. Her description did not sound anything like the sweet, kind and naive girl he remembered. She had always placed her parents wants before her own. Can had even told him they had a few fights over her parents rules and how they were more concerned about how everyone in the mahala would react then the happiness of their daughter.

Leila said her goodbyes and now left him more confused then before.

Early the next morning he walked into Firki Harika, it was early enough he was certain no one else would be there but he suddenly heard Emre's voice talking to someone in his office. He quietly walked into Leila'a office knowing he would be able to hear the conversation without anyone knowing he was there. How surprised he was to hear Huma's voice.

"What is he doing here after all this time, without letting someone know he was coming?" She asked.

"I don't know! He says he is meeting old friends and getting some of his things and will be gone in a few days."

"I certainly hope so! We have enough busy bodies nosing into our affairs." She huffed. "Did he say whether or not he read that book?"

What book he wondered? He was puzzled as to what book she would be talking about.

"No, he hasn't mentioned Sanem or Can." Emre answered. "You know Baba, he is in his own little world if it doesn't affect him he has no clue."

Aziz nearly made his presence know but decided it would be better to give everyone the impression he was only in Istanbul for a short visit. He would play dumb and unconcerned until he found out exactly what was going on. People always underestimated him and that was why he did so well on his business affairs.

He was about to leave when Huma spoke again, she seemed agitated that he was in town.

"Well, make sure he doesn't find out that we each had any part in breaking up Can and Sanem. And you need to make sure he doesn't nose in company business either. Neither one of us can afford that to happen."

At this point, he knew he needed to get out of Leila's office. He carefully walked back to the stairway and went down a few steps before turning around so it looked as if he was just arriving. He was so disappointed in Emre, finding out he was his mother's child was hard for him. He noticed Cey Cey walking out of Deren's office and yelled at the young man.

"Cey Cey."

The young man turned to see Aziz when Emre walked out of his office leaving Huma hidden inside.

"Baba! I didn't know you were coming in this morning."

"I just stopped by to see if you were available for lunch."

"I am on my way out, I have meetings all day today."

"Oh well! I am off to meet friends for coffee maybe tomorrow."

Cey Cey looked between the two men a confused look on his face, why was Emre lying, he had no meetings today. He thought to himself he would have to keep an eye on Emre. Especially since Huma was coming into the agency more often. He didn't trust either one of them. He had promised himself that he would watch over Sanem until Can Bey returned.

How surprised everyone would be to know that he, the one who could not keep a secret, was keeping the biggest secret of his life. Funny how that worked out, he never knew he could keep a secret until his best friend's well being was at stake. So keep his secret and he would protect it with his life.

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