Here we go ladies the next chapter

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The past couple of days they had all worked hard collecting information, Remide Teyze had hired a private detective to help follow up on some the things they had questions about. He had even given them some ideas, such as, a time line board. He suggested that they could place each event in the order to which it happened and then fill in more information as they received it, just like the police did when working a case. Since Sanem had written about certain events in her book, it was easy to start the time line. They added more information each day as needed.

While looking at the board one day Remide realized she had several quesions pertaining to Yigit. Most of these questions stemming from his accident.

She had met him one day when he came to visit Sanem.

He had looked down his nose at her as if he couldn't be bothered with her as Sanem had introduced her as Can's teyze, aunt. She did not have a good feeling about him nor did she like him.

When she found out that he was one of the few people sanem's parents let visit when they were not there it raised questions in her mind. She also noticed one day that he was walking with his cane in the opposite hand.

She picked up her phone, as a member of the board of directors of the hospital, she could ask that a patient's case be reviewed and she decided this was one case that definitely needed to be reviewed.

"Amir, i would like to have a case added to our next directors meeting to be reviewed, if it is not too late."

"My dear, Remide, since you never ask for anything we will happily add this case to the itinerary."

They hung up and she placed her next call the detective she had hired.

When he answered she asked him to follow Yigit for a few days. She told him she wanted to know who he met, where they went, anything that might help their cause. She asked him to make sure he took pictures and if he could get close enough to record what was being said to do it.

Deren and Aziz had been going over the agency's files and had come with several entries that were questionable. He decided then he needed to make one more trip into the agency before he seemed to leave Istanbul. Seemed to because he had no plan on leaving until he had all the answers he needed to bring Can home.

As they were working, one Thursday night, he asked Cey Cey if he could ask Sanem if he might be able to visit her.

He immediately picked up his phone and dialed her number.

"Sanem, Aziz Bey is in town and would like to know if he can come and see you?"

"Does he know I am in hiding?"

"Evet! And he will gladly keep your secret. I can wait and bring him on Saturday with me if you agree."

"I would love to see him. Please tell him he is more than welcome to come to my home."

They hung up and Cey Cey told him they could go see her on Saturaday. This would give Aziz Friday to visit Emre one last time before he also went into hiding.

Saturday was warm, bright and sunny as they made their way to the estate. Cey Cey, Aziz and Remide were all in the car on their way.

"Remide Teyze, why did you decide to join us?" Cey Cey asked

She smiled "Oh, I wouldn't miss this for the world and I want to see Sanem also."

This seem to confuse him but he went on talking.

"Mirhiban Teyse is so happy that Sanem has agreed to meet with friends today." He said. "Sanem is happy that we are coming also."

He noticed that Aziz became quiet and suddenly appeared nervous.

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