Chapter 4.

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Aziz walked out of the agency knowing he was going to need help. Now that he had more questions than answers he needed someone he trusted to discuss this matter with and come up with a plan. Someone he trusted with his life. And he needed to find out the answers before he left Istanbul.

He took his phone out of his pocket and dialed the number.

"Remide, I need your help."

No questions asked, she agreed to meet him for dinner at his hotel around 7.

When Remide arrived she told him she also had a lot to tell him but she wanted him to go first. Aziz told her everything that had happened since his arrival two days ago, how he had overheard Emre and Huma, even his conversation with Leila.

"Before i tell you anything let me first ask if you have read Sanem's book." She said.

"I bought a copy this afternoon but haven't started it yet."

"Well, when you do it will clear up part of the conversation you heard between Emre and Huma."

"I have read the story and you are going to be so upset by everything that was done to the two of them. Emre and Aylin took advantage of Sanem's naivety and used her against Can. Then along comes Huma, who literally tortured the poor thing."

"Why would she believe anything Emre would tell her about Can?" He asked.

"You must remember, she did not know Can at the time. Yes, she fell in love with him eventually but she only knew what people told her about Can in the beginning."

Aziz had a thoughtful look on his face when she continued.

"Unless Can has read her book, he knows none of what Sanem was put through or what she is going through now. You need to read the book and then we can talk more. I don't want to tell you anymore until you have."

"Remide, do you know where Sanem is staying?"

"Yes, I do! She stated firmly. "After you read her book I will tell you everything I know to this point. Just be aware that Sanem is safe and being watched over by those who truly love and care for her."

They finished their dinner talking about old friends and times. Remide left Aziz to start reading, planning to meet again tomorrow afternoon.

He got half way through the book before he picked up his phone

"Is what I am reading true? Did Emre convince her that Can was a bad man and wanting to close my agency?"
He took a breath before continuing not giving Remide time to answer "How can he be so vile? How could he treat someone so badly and how could he hurt his brother in this way?" Aziz was furious.

"Aziz, please calm down. Yes, all of what you are reading is true, but there is so much more that is not in the book. Finish it if you can and tomorrow i will fill you in on the rest."

"We are going to need help from within the company. I trust Deren and Cey Cey so I will call both to meet us here tomorrow."

"Yes, I agree, we can trust both of them. They are both loyal to you and Can and both are close to Sanem now."

They hung up and he started putting their plan together. He dialed Emre's number and asked if he could spare Cey Cey for a few days to help him pack up some of his things. Emre immediately agreed, happy to have the young man from under his feet.

Next he called Deren asking her to make up a story to get out of the office for a couple of days. He told to her to make sure she went into the office and retrieved some other files he needed and if Sanem had anything left at the office to bring that also.

"Cey Cey has all of Sanem's things from the office. He emptied her desk and locker the day we found out Can had left." She said.

After hanging up, he thought about what she said about Cey Cey removing Sanem's things. Why would he worry about making sure her things were safe. He was becoming more upset and was barely able to control his anger toward Emre and Huma.

The next morning, Emre called Cey Cey into his office, explaining that his father had called and asked if Cey cey would be able to work with him for a few day and he had agreed to let him go help his father. While he wanted to keep an eye on Emre, he was relieved to be out of the office, this might be his chance to talk to Aziz Bey and maybe get word to Can about Sanem.

As he was leaving he ran into Deren, who acted pissed off that he would be working outside of the agency. Little did he know it was an act as Deren already knew he would be helping Aziz.

"Who is making these decisions?, she screamed "Why should my staff be pulled." She stormed off toward Emre's office, walking in without knocking.

"I have a family emergency and need tomorrow and Friday off. I will work today and get as much done as i can before i leave." She announced to emre "why is Cey Cey working with your father, you may need him here with me gone."

"No need, we have everything on task so both of you out for a couple of days will not be a problem. Just keep your phone on you in case i need to get in touch with you."

Deren turned and walked out of his office a big smile on her face. She text Aziz that all was going as planned and that Cey Cey was on his way.

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