Volume 1

33 5 4

1st of January 2004

As the light filtered through the tiny cracks in my egg I knew that it was my time to shine. I knew that I, Booboo Baggage, son of Baedon and Looloo Baggage would make my parents proud and make the world a better place. This is the day I was born.

2nd of February 2004

Today I heard that a lorrikeet was born. Her name is Lorri and she lives on Pigeon street. Her parents own a clothing store on Big Bird avenue "Burnt, Fried & Dazzling" . She is going to be a very stylish bird.

3rd March 2004

My mother told me that her highschool sweetheart is having a baby with her hairdresser's cousin, Louanne. Their baby is called Henny Penny. I want to meet her, she seems intriguing.

4th April 2005

My mum had another chic! (kinky)  Her name is Geraldine.

5th May 2005

Geraldine is Waddling!

6th June 2006

I met Henny Penny at my play group. She has nice feathers.

7th July 2007

Lorri Keet joined my play group now. A year after everyone else. I guess she's a bit slow, but she's very colourful.

8th August 2009

I started pre school, and soon I go off to big school! I asked out Henny Penny, she said yes!

28th January 2010

Today was my first day of big school! I'm in a class with my girlfriend Henny, and Lorri Keet. I also made a new friend, he's a rooster and his name is Marcus.

3rd of October 2011

Our landlords had a baby, her name is Caitlin. She cries too much, always complaining about something. Life was better without her. I am savage.

10th October 2011

I brought Henny Penny home to meet my mother. It was our first date outside of school. Henny Penny was very polite and my mother was impressed.

11th November 2012

It's me and Henny's 3rd anniversary! I bought her a feather necklace. She bought me a watch.

12th December 2013

Lorri asked me to date her! I told her I was taken, she said so what and told me to think about it as she was walking away. I would never betray Henny like that! I'm starting to think she's the one.

13th January 2014

Henny told me that she thinks she loves me! I said the same thing back to her and it's true. We've been together for five years with no fights.

14th February 2015

Today is the day that Henny and I shared our first kiss. It was just a three second peck on the beak, but it was magical. In that moment I loved her more than ever. I told her I loved her and she said it back! I can't wait to marry her.

15th March 2016

Me and Henny went to a Hen stefani concert together. We kissed again. Parting from my love last night was the hardest thing I've ever done.

16th April 2017

Wow! I'm in highschool now. Even better, I'm in a class with Henny! I guess we're just meant to be. Lorri Keet is also in our class, but she's getting annoying. She keeps trying to flirt with me. I told her best friend Stacy to tell her to stop but she just shrugged and walked away. I also made friends withanother guy in my class, Henry. He has a wicked tasty shoe collection. He showed me a photo on his C phone 12 MAX + PRO EXTRA! He must be loaded!

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