Once Upon a Time

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8:00 pm

×"mom, can you please tell me another story?"

"Uhm ok honey"...

~Once upon a time, there is a beautiful young bride, about to marry a descent and good looking guy named Terry.

Red carpet.
Well designed isle.
Polished chairs.

Everything is perfect. Their wedding went well, they uttered genuine love vows, and exchanged kisses as the crowd roars in applause and joyful cheers.

The couple looked beautiful and perfect. Their hearts are knitted exactly for each other.

BUT, that's the picture only on the surface, it's what everybody knew, it's what everyone believed."

×"Mom, they're lovely, they must've lived happily ever after."

"That's what everybody believed too, son. Not until a month had passed. The once happy couple that gathered a large crowd on their grand wedding was the same couple that gathered the same crowd for mourning.

Terry died in the hospital.

The curiosity of the crowd bubbled out because they never saw the appearance of his wife."

×"Did she die too, mom?"

"She wished she died even before their marriage, honey."

"Rumors are rapidly burning around the town, but you know what honey? I know the whole real story. It's 12:00 am, the moon shines bright but the wind blows madly, I saw her in her white dress, her hair is caressed by the restless blows, she's crying heavily while holding a knife on her shaky right hand. Yes, she's standing in my garden, the truth is I'm her best friend. I grabbed her hand through my left hand. While sobbing, she uttered the whole story."


*Her POV*



The wild commotion woke me up at quarter to 2:00 am. I hastily went out of the ward. I've been a resident of the hospital for almost a year. I can say that I already proved something to gain the trust of everyone in the hospital. My heart beats and steps are racing as I made my way to the ER.

'Doc, he needs to be moved, let's bring him to the operating room as soon as possible!'

My whole world crashed as the view cleared for me. The patient tugging for his life is my Terry, my husband! He's bloody, a deep cut is visible in his chest, I can say that the blood gushing out is coming from his left lungs.

I've known Terry for more than 7 years, it's just last month that we legally became husband and wife but we've been together for more or less than 3 years.

"Move him to the OR now!"

I didn't mean to raise my tone, but I can't handle it. While wearing my gloves on, I'm fighting a battle inside me, my tears must not fall down, my system must not shake, not now!

"I'll perform the operation" I hardly uttered.

Two hours passed, everyone came out of the operating room. Except me.

"You did your best, doc"

Yes, I did my best, but I wasn't able to save him! Tears are upwelling from my eyes, but suddenly. . . A smile is slowly curved on my lips. I walked closer to the dead body of my husband and whispered a desperate "You deserve that."

I wasn't able to save him because at the first place I never wanted to save him! A married him, we seemed to be so inlove, but no! The perfect picture is just an illusion.

"From the beginning of the operation, I'm not a surgeon holding a scalpel to save your life but a murderer holding a knife. I ended up your life intentionally."

"That wedding ceremony was a big bluff to fake and fool everyone. That wedding was used to conceal your bloody hand because you raped me Terry, your whole family participated in that foul play! Whenever you're happy, sad, angry, and got nothing to do, you raped me! You threatened me, made me agree that I must not tell anyone."

I was rolled like a ball at the corner of the operating room playing my last act, faking to be sad and devastated by the sudden death of my husband.

End of Flashback

"That time when she's standing on my garden, she told me that she's pregnant. In the end she chose to run away, she chose to let the kid inside her womb live, because it is still her own blood on that kid."

×"What's the name of your best friend mom? And where is the kid now?"

"Her name is Dorothy"

×"B-b-ut m-om, you are Dorothy,"

"Yes, son. Myself is my only best friend, I'm the one who stopped myself from committing another crime! And I'm the Dorothy that got raped! Where's that kid now? He is in front of me, you are that kid."

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