Real Death

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Dead Bodies
(True to Life Story)

“WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, yeeppy I killed them alllllll!”

The sun penetrating from the tinted window made the mood even fulfilling. Stiff corpse on the floor. Spread out. I hovered my eyes on the whole room. *smirk*

“Hmmm, what a pleasing view” *sniff* the aroma of death smells great HAHA.

The white paint of the wall glitter as the light occupies the whole room. Blood stains. Cold bodies are positioned everywhere. Hanging from the ceiling. Sticked on the rear wall. My room. This room- I must clean this up.

*Flash back*

Total darkness seemed to be suffocating, but, it helped me in giving the final touch. I covered my nose with that cyan colored handkerchief. I pulled up my sleeves. I inhaled the last clean oxygen on the room. A cold metal on my hand became my killing weapon. Raising my left paw, I pressed the button, a smirk slowly formed in my lips as the fume coming out from the metal can in my hand covered the whole place.


“Yeah, it’s really fun killing those little mosquitos AHAHAHAHA”- I crazily muttered as I made the cleaning thing in my room because it looked sticky and dirty with those little insects all over the place.

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