The Beginning

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Hey guys this is my first ever fanfic 🙈 so please don't hate. Also if you have any suggestions feel free to leave them in the comments!

This will sort of be a background chapter.

I hope you guys like it :)

~Professor Pendragon🐍


It was a cold winter night at Hogwarts and the moon shone above the castle brightly with very few clouds in the sky. As a professor, you were tasked with patrolling the halls this evening. Of course you weren't too fond of this, especially since it was the winter time. Hogwarts's castle walls did little to nothing to keep the cold at bay. Also the occasional student out of bed could be quite the annoyance. They would always try to come up with a dumb excuse as to why they were not where they should be, to which you would explain patiently that you were not interested in their excuses and that they should go directly back to bed. Luckily, this evening there has been no disobedient children - you were relieved for something has been weighing on your mind lately.

Ever since Dumbledore elected you as the new professor for defense against the dark arts, you wondered exactly why he had? What made you so special? I mean, yeah, when you were a student here you were captain of the quidditch team, prefect for slytherin, and you made good grades in all of your courses, especially potions,  but you still had doubt for your ability as a professor. Don't get me wrong, you loved the job but doubt still filled your heart.

As you thought about your former years, you remembered a certain professor. One that despite being quite mean and nasty on the outside, seemed to be hurting on the inside. Like a beast wounded, it lashed out to defend itself. You never understood why he was so hurt, but you knew to never bring it up.

(Time Jump - to when you were a student)
When you were a student, you spent several hours studying in his classroom on your free time. When you first asked if you could, explaining that you were very interested in potions and would love to learn more, he looked at you with a sort of annoyance in his eyes. And yet, he agreed. Little did he realize that the true reason you had asked was to be able to get closer to him. You found him tantalising. He was so intriguing to you and you never knew what he was planning to do next. As time drew on, he seemed to become more comfortable around you. Whenever you needed help, he was less annoyed and more willing to show you what you did wrong. You always noticed how he spoke about potions, it was the only time he ever seemed excited about something. You wondered what other things he could be interested in. Blushing at the thought, you would look away, hoping he wouldn't notice.

As even more time passed, you would occasionally bring him gifts or food if you noticed he wasn't at a meal. He never said anything when you did, but he seemed appreciative of it. As you would return to your desk to continue studying, you would occasionally glance above your books and see him either looking at your gift curiously or munching away at his meal. It made you happy to see that the professor everyone was afraid of was actually quite gentle and polite if you took the time to see past his flaws.

This continued throughout your time as a student, until graduation had come. You were so excited to be able to get your diploma that you worked so hard for. As your name was called and you stood up, you had glanced over at the professors table to see if he was there. He was. He looked at you with a small gleam in his eye. You weren't sure if it was because you would finally be leaving his class or if he actually was proud of you. After the ceremony, Professor Dumbledore had approached you.

"L/n! Would you mind waiting a second? I would like to have a word with you."

You froze, not sure what he could possibly want. You had never did anything wrong, did you? Nervousness began to take over. You quickly glanced back at the professors' table but all the other professors were already gone.

"Miss l/n, would you so kindly walk with me?" Dumbledore asked with a small smile.

"U-um, okay?" You replied with uncertainty.

You felt like you had walked for hours before he ever said anything more.

"Miss l/n, there was a question I would like to ask you. I've noticed how well you have done in your courses. You have exceeded all and any expectations. Knowing this, I would like to know if you would be interested in becoming the new defense against the dark arts professor this next semester? Don't worry! I would be more than happy to teach you what you would need to do in a professor role of course. I wouldn't want you floundering around on your first day. Besides, all the other professors are fond of you, so I think you would be a great match."

You looked at him amazed. Of all the things you were expecting him to say, it definately wasn't that!

"I would LOVE to sir!! When do I start? What time should I be there? Is there anything I can do right now?" You asked excitedly, all trace of nervousness gone.

He looked at you and chuckled, of course you would be full of questions.

"No, there is nothing for you to do right now. But I love your eagerness, I can see this was the right decision to ask you. As for your other questions, they will be answered in time." He said with a warm smile upon his wrinkled face.

As you smiled ahead, still walking along, a thought came to you. You voiced it.

"Have you mentioned to the other professors about this?" You asked him uncertainly.

He looked at you with what looked like mischief in his eyes.

"I have only mentioned it to Professor McGonagall. Or.. Minerva, I suppose you should start calling her by her first name now. Considering you will soon be equals." He states simply.

You looked at him deep in thought. You wondered how Professor Snape would react. Should you tell him? Or should you wait until Dumbledore announces it at the beginning of the new semester. You would love to see the surprise on his face. And yet...

You walked into a wall.


A chuckle rose from behind you.

"Is there something... er someone, else you had in mind that I should tell?" Dumbledore stated not drawing attention to the fact you just ran into a wall.

Clumsily balancing yourself, your head shot straight up, "No sir! I was just lost in thought about the possibilities for the new semester. I can't wait to start!" You did your best to not show any sign of longing on your face. Luckily, it seemed to work.

"Well then. That is that. Welcome to your new role, miss l/n, er... Professor l/n!" He chuckled. "Feel free to gather your things and meet me in my office, I will take you to your new room."

Excitedly you hurried off. Not wanting to waste a moment.

(Time Jump - back to being a professor)
As you thought upon these memories, you had failed to realize there was someone walking up to you. The dark shadow soon came closer and closer until...


You stumbled to the ground, not sure what you just ran into. Surely you hadn't run into another wall?

You looked up.

Standing over you was Professor Snape. He had a slight annoyed look on his face with an eyebrow raised.

"Miss l/n..."


Sorry guys! That's it for now. I wrote this all in one go 😅 please feel free to write what you think will happen next in the comments or what you would like to see happen in the future.
Till next chapter 😘

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