Him and I

57 3 1

Book title: Him and I

Author: @sliverscribblings

Reviewer: A_book_Lover3456


1. Cover: The cover is good but yes it can be better but I personally adore it.

2. Description: You are able to deliver the point and your description is nice but yes it can be better.

3. Character Development: The Character is Thank God, not your typical high school girl and is actually smart and I love the MLC's name, Zeke we are able to relate to the characters which are important but try to show more of them.

4. Plot development: The plot development is interesting and I can't wait to know whose heart melts first.

5. Grammar: There are some grammatical errors like tenses and sentence structure but since its a draft that can be overlooked for now.
(But make sure to correct them when time permits because readers can get annoyed and not read further)

6. Punctuation: Use it when required

7. Overall: I love the story overall ignoring everything it's our usual story but every story has something unique from the other I hope you will write it till the end it's cute.

8. A brief comment on what to improve.

- Break your paragraphs and make sure to separate dialogues from the sentence it can confuse the reader please be careful with that. (it's Crucial)

- Write full forms it looks more professional as a writer like rn instead write right now.

- Use punctuation where required I noticed you used a lot of exclamation mark and use a full stop when ending the sentence.

- Revising the whole story and depth editing is needed and your good to go.

With that being said good luck ! for your future writing projects I really enjoyed reading him and I cuz I am a huge sucker for romance.

Don't take it personally this is just to improve your story.

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