Emily Ashlyn

170 10 1

Username: emmiepooh2

Name/Penname: Emily Ashlyn

About me: I am an author on wattpad and ao3, where I write basically anything. However, I'm in over ten communities/societies/clubs where I basically do anything involving helping others. I am descriptive with my reviews, which can be a good thing and a bad thing, depending on how you take it.

Genres I prefer to read: young adult, new adult, fantasy, and whatever that's not in the refusal.

Genres I refuse to read: nonfiction, humor, and fanfiction

LGBTQ/Mature: both are okay!


Points I focus on: depending on what someone needs is my points I focus on but I do have a few different templates that I go by if they dont choose 5+ focus points.

Status: unavailable

Special conditions: dont mind if I'm harsh

No of chapters I will review: 2-10; depending on the book will depend on how many chapters ill read. It can be more than ten or just 2 chapters, but don't request over 10 please.

Time to review one book: depends but at most I'll take a few weeks.

Payment: a permanent follow and feedback on Stars Align my short story collection

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