1. change

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Beep ,beep, beep. I sat up slamming my hand on my alarm clock. man that thing is annoying. But it's not over yet 3......2......1

knock , knock , knock. Jake are you up called my mom voice from behind the door. She always does that every morning. And I'm used to it.

Yes! I rolled my eyes and sunk back into my bed. Here it comes 3......2......1

Jake sit back up and get ready. This is your first year of high school be happy. I swear my mom has powers sometimes.

I sat up and walked to the door then opened it. I caught glimpse of my mom robe as she walked away. I got ready and nearly suffocated from my mom and dad hug when I was leaving the house.

You sure you don't want me to drive you? my dad asked scratching his head. what do i look like to him . A toddler or something.

Dad I'm fourteen years old. I'm pretty sure I could handle myself. I started to head to school.

Man! This school is huge. I took out my schedule and started to look for room 904. My eyes was on the schedule when I bumped into a wall. Not a wall a boy.

Watch where the hell your going said the boy. I looked up at a face with cold brown eyes and a sneer on his face. This is not a person I want to mess with.

S..sorry I mumbled and kept walking. Ugh I made a mistake. I showed weakness and when your weak your vulnerable and when you're vulnerable your bound to get hurt. I felt a hand grab my shoulder pulling me from my thoughts.

I turned around to see a smiling girl with blond hair and bright blue eyes. Don't mind him he's a " tough guy " and you must be new here by the way you look confuse ,oh I'm sorry my name is hope.

Wow she talked really fast. hey I'm Jake I said. I might make a new friend. she doesn't seem bad.

She peeked over my shoulder and grabbed my hand and started to pull me. Room 904 is this way. We started to run down the hall. when we finally stopped she was laughing and then I started laughing. That ...gasp.....was ....gasp....fun. I was.

Alright I have to go before I am late. bye Jake she shouted before running off.

I had my hand on my door knob when I saw that boy I bumped into glaring at me with hate in his eyes in the corner arms crossed. I closed my eye's and shook my head. This year is gonna be different.

I looked at him. Big mistake. He looked me right in the eyes and mouthed watched your back. I walked in the class. There was only two seats left ,both in the back. I shivered at the thought and sat in the seat near the window. A few minutes later that boy walked and he moved to the seat right next to mine.

He glared at me with cold eye's. I couldn't take it anymore. what? I whispered. He looked at me in shock that I said something. I was shocked myself. What's wrong with you I whispered getting more confident.

He looked me up and down. your presence is what bothers me. He got and up and started walking to the door . You just made yourself a enemy he shouted. He walked away and the whispering started . I can only think of two words WHY...ME.

later that the whispering was still going on. I walked into the lunch room scanning for an empty seat. That's when I saw a girl waving me over. The same one who helped me this morning. I walked over and sat across from her.

She smiled and then frowned. Is it true that you got in a argument with David. I instantly knew how she talked about. An image of cold eye's popped in my head.

It wasn't really a argument--you don't want to mess with him trust me Jake she said cutting me off. He's the worst. There's rumors he nearly killed a boy with his fist for looking at him the wrong way.

I sighed. So much for a new start. This isn't what I expected on the first day of high school.

Hope looked up and then started to pick her food. What's wrong?

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around. A girl with red curly hair and blue eyes stared at me. Then she smiled showing perfect white teeth. your cute and you seem cool. Except your hanging out with a loser. She looked hope up and down. I was hoping you'll come to my party on Saturday. She handed me a piece of paper and flipped her hair walking away.

I breathed in noticing I was holding my breath and tucked the paper away in my pocket . you ok? I looked a hope who looked so sad.

You can go if you want. I mean you have a chance to fit . just don't let them change you. I felt so bad.

I smiled. Don't worry I wouldn't fit in with those freaks I joked and we started to laugh. But at the back of my head the words kept playing over and over. I was invited to a party.

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