4.it takes the pain away

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I sat there cuddled in the corner shaking from fear and coldness. I noticed Luke sitting there smiling like he's having the time of his life

"  what are you smiling about" we're locked up ,what's so happy about it.

he shrugged" why are you frowning about it"

" let's see I snuck out , I got drunk, thrown up on a cop , I'm in jail in case you haven't noticed and I'm with you"

" it's a holding cell"

I heard footsteps coming towards our cell. A man stopped in front on the gate. He had to be Luke's father. Same blue eye's but dark brown hair. " Luke you have to be kidding me, this is the sixth time time month"

Luke stood up and stretched" what could you say father, I just can't be tamed"

'come on , your just hurting yourself" The guard opened the gate.

" oh yeah father don't forget Jake" he said nodding towards me.  

Luke's dad put a hand on his head" what am i going to do with you"

I sat in the backseat of the car. Luke dad was driving me home and let  me just say that holding cell sure looks more safer than home. Because it doesn't have my mom.

" So your just gonna look out the window" is Luke blind or something.

"pretty much" I felt a hand slide in my pocket and then back out. Luke had put something in there. The car stopped.

" Thank for the ride" I called behind my shoulder as I walked away. My mom and dad was waiting.




They was not serious. I was obviously at a party." you knew I went out"

"AFTER your mother said no"

" Don't act like you was perfect when you was little because you know for a fact that's a lie" I was just so mad.

" Jake don't talk to your father that way, you snuck out and that's it"

" You know what I don't even care" I walked in the hallway about to open my room door when I heard them talking.

" I'm his father and your his mother it's our job to do this"

" yea , that's not how we raised him"

" I wish I had a normal child" When I heard that my legs felt like lead and my eyes stared to sting. I sat on my bed and pulled out a little bad with three pills and a note.

it stops the pain.

I kept reading those words over and over. And the words my dad said echoed in my head. I picked up a bottle of water by my bed and held the pills in my hand. I dropped the pills in my mouth and drunk.  I felt relaxed and at piece. Everything was fading away.

" it stops the pain"

8:00 I sat up in my bed. I was gonna be late for school. But you know what I don't care. Now I'm gonna be the worst son. I got in my shower and got ready for school.

" good morning Jake " My mom said sitting at the table.

" Bye"  I didn't even stop I just walked out.

I was walking downing the hall when I heard someone whispering my name. I turned around to see it was Luke.

" Did you take them?  I was assuming he meant the pills so I nodded.

" let's get out of here and try some real stuff"

The old me would have kept walking but the new me didn't" alright"

A couple minutes later I was in Jake's room. " You ever smoked before"

" does it look like it"

"well your in for a treat" he lit it and took a pull and handed it to me.

" What is it" I know I'm supposed to be bad but you just can't change your whole personality in one day.

" shut up and smoke"

I took a pull and started to cough while Luke laughed. A lot of puffs later I had that feeling again. Everything was going dark and I felt like I was floating. I felt a smile on my face.

"it takes the pain away "

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