3. Rules, drinks and jail.

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A/n I just realized I never gave a update date or schedule. I think I'll try to update whenever I can. but don't worry I'll make one.

Today's the day of the party. Today is the day I'll be known as Jake one of the cool kids. I smiled at the thought. I decided to dress simple.  Black pants with a black t shirt underneath a black and red button shirt. I rolled my sleeves up and checked the time 7:30. I mentally checked off the things I did today. I put my phone in my pocket and started to head out.

Hey ! Turn yourself around and walk over and then explain where your going said my mom. Oooh I forgot my mom stays up late.

I slowly walked towards her and put my hands in my pocket and smiled . Sorry mom. Can I go to a party tonight I never been to one before.

She didn't smile. Jake are you crazy. It's late at night and your going to a party. so many things can happen. You can get lost or kidnapped. You are not going to that party. The only place your going is to your room.

Mom come on loosen up. Oh that came out the wrong way. geez I'm really not going now.

She looked at me mouth opened and point to my room and sat by the door. I'll be sitting here reading if you get any ideas. I walked into my room. I had a few minutes left and there was only one other solution. A few seconds later I found myself climbing out the window which I'm still in shock right now.

When I finally found the house I knew a party was going on. I was greeted by the smell of beer and the sound of blasting music to make your ears cry blood. I scanned the area looking for a girl with red hair. she could be anywhere in this house. oh never mind that's her dancing on the car. And she spotted me.

Hey kid you came to my party she slurred obviously drunk not knowing she can fall and crack her head open.

I walked up to her and grabbed her hand helping her down. come on before you get hurt.

yourrr such a gentleman she started busting out in laughter. yup the confirms it she's officially drunk.

And your so drunk but I don't judge...well sorta. when she was on the ground I walked her to the house. I'm assuming since she threw the party it was her house.

ummm is there a room where I can put you. That question sounded so wrong in many ways.

yea..wait are you trying to get me in bed . she started laughing and she kept stumbling so I picked her up and carried her up stairs. The first room I walked in I knew it was here's. pink walls and posters of her self! I laid her down and walk backed downstairs to the kitchen to get a cup of water.

Have a drink said a voice behind me making me turn around fast to see a guy with blond hair and blue eyes.

Your that guy who was at the fight and I don't drink .

He smirked. I'm known as many things and one little drink can't hurt now could it. what's the worst that can happen.

well you- don't think just do he said cutting me off and handing me a beer.

Well he is right I need to have fun. I took the can and popped it open and chugged it down.

Damn he said laughing. How about we take some shots or do you still " don't drink" .

No way I'm backing out now I said. But as those words came out my mouth I knew they were wrong.

Alright he said looking in a cabinet and finally pulling out a glass bottle and two little glass cups. Vodka he said pouring it in to the cup. 

He handed me a cup. I felt an uncertainty but took the glass anyway.

3...2....1 drink. That's  how we spent most of the night until the bottle was finished. I felt so weird in a way I can't explain. I wanted to dance and laugh and weirdly cry.  But the blond hair kid didn't look effect. I just realized I didn't know his name.

What's your na-luke he said cutting me off. Listen wanna  some good stuff he asked. 

I knew he meant drugs and I had to say no. I can't. That's when I heard sirens blaring.

HOLY CRAP ITS THE COPS Luke yelled. Everyone started to run and Luke grabbed my hand come on before we get caught.

Wait the red hair girl I said running with him.

It's her house so she would be fine he said pulling me to run faster until he stopped and I noticed a officer had him and started to get his hand cuffs out and another walking to me. I'm screwed.

Hello officer I said as he put me in hand cuffs. How's it going.

No answer just a grunt. He turned me around and I don't know what happened but I just puked all over his shoes and started to laugh at his face. uh oh.

A few minutes later me and Luke was sitting in a holding cell and I was terrified. I was huddled in the corner shaking. I can't believe....I Jake stone got arrested.

Yup that's the party. :)

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