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Gosh! Time goes by fast when you don't want it to. Its like the universe is against me. It's already Thursday and I have to make a choice. If I'm gonna go to the party or not. The bell ranged once again pulling me out of my thoughts. Lunch time thank god. I sat down in my and hope usually sit. She was absent today so I decided to text her.

James-hey,you ok?

hope- awe someone misses me. I had to stay home because I'm not feeling well

James-lol stay away . just kidding what's wrong.

Before I saw her text  I saw someone sit next to me. I slowly looked up and saw him. David the kid who told me to watch my back. The kid who I hated now. Something snapped inside me. All those years of being bullied came out.

What do you want you fucking idiot! What you see something you like or something! I didn't I noticed I was yelling and I didn't notice that I got up and all eyes was on us. He slowly got up and stood in my face.

Say it one more time  he said. This Is not what I wanted. Not at all but I can't back down now.

I said YOUR A FUCKING IDIOT. I felt something hit my lip and realized it was his fist. I curled my fist up ready to swing.  To my surprise I actually hit his noise. He walked up to me one hand holding hIs noise and the other holding a little sliver blade. I started to back up and slipped banging my head. My vision started to get blurry

Yo what are you doing I heard a voice yell. A few moments later I was looking into a pair of blue eyes and blond hair which was shorter. hope? The person shook there head and everything went dark.

I sat up and a pain instantly shot up in my head. How did I get back in my room. I closed my eye's and the events that happened flooded back which didn't help much. I headed towards the bathroom and looked at my face. Not bad. just a little busted lip. For a " tough guy " he sure can't fit.

Jake when you're done me and your mom would like to have a talk with you in the kitchen. I heard him leaving and opened the bathroom door.  I prepared myself for a speech and walked in the kitchen. Sitting across from my mom and dad.

Jake what happened today can't happen again. You just started school and it hasn't been a full week and you get in a fight my mom said.

Your mother's right you want to go to a good college and get a good paying job that you love ,but you need a good record and high grade.

It wasn't my fault I mumbled. it no use to try and argue but I'm not going to let them blame me.

It doesn't matter you could have been the bigger person and walked away. you could have hurt yourself. This could effect your whole future my dad said. He grabbed my mom hand and squeezed it and she nodded.

This was a load of craps. I know they want the best for me but I just started high school. They expect  high grades , advanced classes, college ,clean record. It's like I'm on leash. I'm sorry I'm not living up to your expectations I said and walked away and slammed my room door.

At this moment I was mad , sad and confused. I just wanted time to pause. All I wanted was to fit in and make my parents happy. I'm tired of disappointing them and getting bullied.  I sunk my head in my pillow and screamed.

I got up and looked at my old pictures. Elementary school was perfect compared to this. No one bullied me . I had a group of friends and we had fun. Everything started to fall apart soon as I started middle school. Now I'm trapped in hell which they call high school which supposedly is the " best time of your life" and that's a lie.

I sat back down and reached under my pillow and pulled out a piece of paper. I can end this all on Saturday. I can become someone new and important. No more getting bullied. Lots of friends. I'll finally be popular. So many thoughts popped in my head. My life would finally get better. I unfolded the paper and text the number.

James- I'm coming on Saturday. I breathed in and sent it then shut my phone off. It looks like I'm going to a my first high school party.

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