Chapter 1

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Katia's P.O.V
"Katia get down here so we can have a family talk"
I open my eyes forcefully rubbing them until they hurt to bring me to my senses. I wish Mom would stop being so dramatic, No ones going to find out our plan.

         Rolling out of bed I place my feet on our creaky boards. If we weren't leaving so soon I would ask to replace them. Today was my birthday the big 18. My parents are slaves and are really skinny because we only get enough rations to barely survive but I happen to be a little on the curvy side. I don't know if boys would like that I never went to school humans were supposed to satay home and learn from there parents how to be a good submissive and yadi yadi yah. Luckily my parents taught me the opposite of that.

          I was born here in the Genovio kingdom not the best but definitely not the worst. Humans lived better here then in our neighboring kingdom Sethaen. I've only heard grim rumors of them nothing good just thinking about them makes me shiver. Even if Genovio isn't the best we still have the auction...Tomorrow I would be taken from my house with force and be bidded on by vampires if no one picked me I would be a slave if someone did I would become every humans nightmare, a bloodpet. I immediately stop trying to think about it and comb out my hair. Getting one of my rags that I call clothing I hastily put it on and head downstairs into the living only to meet my parents worried faces. They don't even have to tell me and I know it's time. I run upstairs grab my pack and start throwing everything I own into the bag, considering I own close to nothing this was particularly easy.

          After everything is packed I pick up one of my creaky floorboards to see my pocket knife still safe and hidden there. I grab it quickly and put it in my back pocket knowing if worse comes to worse I'll use it. I hear my parents yelling at me to hurry up I don't answer just pick up my pace and run out the front door.

          My parents look at me with love and pity before ushering me to join beside them as we head on our way to escape our cruel reality.


The plan was simple hide in a goods cart out the city meet up with some rebels that my parents contacted then flee with them to there hidden HUMAN city. A city with all humans is unspoken of where and how they did it baffles me but my parents seem to trust them so I do too.

             I'm snapped out of my daydream to see my parents loading our stuff into the goods cart before telling me to sit down and duck. I do so without complaint thinking of  what my life's gonna be like after we escape I'm finally gonna be free, maybe someone will teach me how to fight so I can actually defend myself. I don't even know what I would do with the knife that sits comfortably in my back pocket. Suddenly the cart comes to a halt have we already arrived I know we made it out of the city a while ago so we should have been here soon. I go to stand up but my parents pull me back down.

      "Why aren't you guys standing up" I said utterly confused.
       "My baby it could be a trap" My mother said in a whisper so quiet I could barely hear. She looks at my dad searching his eyes for something I'm not sure but then looks backs down and closes her eyes. She's probably praying I do the same in case it does any good, just as I close my eyes I hear a language not familiar to me. My parents notice the same as all stop moving, and hold our breaths scared of our fate. We hear the driver say he's just passing along with some goods and we hope whoever's out there buys it for all our sake. We don't hear anything for a little while so we assume it's safe and all let out a collective sigh.

           Just as I was about to say something we heard feet moving slowly until we could tell they were right in front of our hiding spot. The one thing we hoped didn't happen came true as the daylight slowly crept upon our faces as the blanket hiding us was torn off. I could here my mother starting to sob and my father putting her head on his shoulder whispering sweet nothings to her. I on the other hand was staring right at the the two very nice looking specimens sorry the two finger licking I'll fry you up and lick you up like a  popsicle kind of specimens. To my amusement I saw both them staring at me with not just lust but love I must be imagining things.
         "Like what you see bunny" One of them said
          "I- uh no who are are you?" I said

        Why the fuck was I stuttering without thinking I grabbed the knife from my back pocket and pointed it right at them.
         "Ooo Kittens got claws" the other said laughing a little
         "Now now bunny put the knife down before you  hurt yourself "
       Something in me wanted to listen to him but I didn't I had to protect my parents no matter what.

         "Aww Noah look she's trying to protect her lousy excuse of parents, kitten you have until the count of three before you get a punishment"
         "Pun-punishment I'm not a kid"  I said my hands wildly shaking but still holding the knife tightly in my palm.
The man just stared at me and started counting 

       I stood there bewildered that they thought I was gonna stand down why can't they just fight me already if I die at least I die a hero I hope there's hot guys like them in heaven. I turned my attention back to the men they stood there just for a second before lunging towards me. I started screaming and stabbing frantically in the air only to find my knife being thrown into the ground. Suddenly I'm thrown over the shoulder of one of the men, I start kicking and punching him but to my surprise he gives my ass a harsh smack before warning me to stop or he'll take me over his knee right now. The absolute audacity of these men there not my parents the little bastards.

             I hear the scream of my parents and start kicking at him again surprised by my sudden outburst he drops me and I ran to my parents only to see them on the floor in a pool of there own blood with bite marks all over there body.These men were vampires and they killed my parents. Not really processing the fact that I'm standing in front of two vampire I fall to my knees not knowing whether to cry or laugh  this can't be real it can't be. My brain suddenly decided crying was the best method so I start to cry and cry, I soon forget about the men staring daggers at my back and continue cry for what seems like hours. Suddenly both the men are at my side
         "Kitten I'm sorry they didn't deserve to live, to touch your skin, don't cry" he said pulling me into his arms caressing my head. "you have us now and you will obey us" the other one said joining in on the group hug. Slowly processing the information I come to realize I'm in the middle of a group hug with my parent's murderers and one of them had the nerve to say don't cry.HELL NAW!


         I covered my mouth realizing what I just said they both looked at each other and started laughing. Why were they laughing?
          "Oh bunny you want to check that theory about our balls" he said with a devious smirk on his face.
        That was all I remember before the world went black.
To be continued
I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter! Please give me feedback and if you would like me to continue with this story. Thank you guys bye. :)
1472 words

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