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As soon as Betelgeuse was inside of Lydia's bedroom, the teenager slammed the door closed and turned to face him, a look of anger plastered on her face.

"I don't care WHAT my father says!" she shouted, clenching her fists. "I'm going to the Netherworld to search for my dead mom!" Betelgeuse just looked at the teenager with a look of concern plastered on his face. Lydia continued with her rant, beginning to pace around her bedroom. "I'm going to talk to her and tell her how much I missed her if I ever get the chance to find her!"

"But, Lyds," Betelgeuse began and the teen stopped pacing her room, turning to face him again. "I already told you earlier that I wasn't going to escort you to the Netherworld to look for your mom."

"And I don't care!" Lydia spoke in an annoyed voice. "Take me to the Netherworld or I'll say your name, send you back there, and never speak to you again!"

Betelgeuse backed away, concerned by the threat that Lydia had just made towards him.

He had no choice now. He had to take her to the Netherworld.

Downstairs, in the kitchen, Delia and Barbara sat together and discussed what to make for dinner. Adam and Charles were in the basement, watching the tv together and chatting casually about the house's history. Delia and Barbara would call them back upstairs when they figured out what exactly they were going to make for dinner that night.

"I just don't know, Delia," Barbara lamented to her Life Coach friend. "Do you have any ideas on what to make for dinner?"

"Well, we could make spaghetti bolognese tonight," Delia suggested. "But we had that last night and the night before last. We really need to have something different. I'm gonna go downstairs and ask Charles what he feels like having for dinner tonight."

With that said, she went downstairs to the basement.

Lydia and Betelgeuse needed a distraction if they were going to be going to the Netherworld — at Lydia's suggestion — to search for Lydia's mom. Hopefully and successfully this time around. Lydia still remembered unsuccessfully being able to find and talk to her mom the last time she was in the Netherworld.

"We could set the house on fire," Betelgeuse suggested with a smirk.

"No," Lydia said, sitting on her bed. "I did that the last time I chose to distract them from knowing I was about to do something dangerous and I got into quite a heap of trouble with all four of my parents. Hey! I got an idea! Why don't we set the smoke detectors off at once. That would be a great distraction. It would always work."

"Shall I?" Betelgeuse asked knowingly.

"You shall," Lydia said with a small smirk.

Betelgeuse used his powers to set Lydia's smoke detector off and that, in turn, made the rest of the smoke detectors in the house go off. With a knowing glance to one another, Betelgeuse drew a door to the Netherworld and he and Lydia both went through it. Then the door closed shut behind them.

Delia entered the basement of the house, finding Charles and Adam in the middle of an intense game of pool. Not wanting to disturb the two men, Delia crept down the stairs and stood a good distance away from them. That's when Adam turned and noticed her standing there and waiting.

"Delia!" the male ghost called out to the Life Coach. "Did you need anything?"

"Yes actually," Delia said. "Charles!" she called out, getting his attention. "What do you feel like for dinner tonight? Barbara and I can't seem to think of what to make."

"Hm, that's a good question," Charles responded, thinking to himself. "I can't think of anything," he finally said with a shrug.

"Oh alright," Delia said as she turned to make her way back upstairs. "I'm heading back up. Let me know when you think of what you want. I just hope nothing happened whilst I was down here."

That's when the smoke detector in the basement went off.

"I spoke too soon," Delia admitted as she, Charles, and Adam headed up the stairs.

They came upstairs to find Barbara in the hallway, staring up at another one of the house's smoke detectors which also seemed to be going off. She looked at them and shrugged. "It seems that every one of the smoke detectors in the house are going off," she said with a sigh.

Then it hit them. In a hurry they went upstairs to Lydia's bedroom. Charles knocked on his daughter's door.

"Lydia?!" he called out. No answer.

Charles let out a sigh, then he opened Lydia's bedroom door.

They were surprised to find it empty. No sign of Lydia or Betelgeuse anywhere. Then Barbara noticed the faint outline of a door to the Netherworld. Frantic, she turned to face Charles.

"I think I know where they went," she said in a panic.

That's when the rest of the adults noticed the faint door to the Netherworld in the wall of Lydia's bedroom.

"She didn't," Charles muttered, panicking.

"She did," Delia, Adam, and Barbara said in unison.

Then Charles had an idea. He had to fetch Lydia and Betelgeuse from the Netherworld.

"I'm going in after them!" Charles announced, heading towards the door that led to the Netherworld. Knocking on it three times and going through before Adam, Barbara, or even Delia could think to stop him.

A/N: Wow! Two chapters in one day? I'm on a roll.

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