Only Getting Into More Trouble

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"And are you sure they disappeared without a trace again, Charles?" Barbara asked, a worried look in her eyes.

The living male nodded. All he had wanted to do was check up on Lydia and Betelgeuse and make sure they were doing okay. He hadn't quite anticipated on them going back out, especially since Lydia had gotten in trouble much earlier in the day for going out.

He, like the rest of the adults of the Maitland-Deetzes, knew they had to let Lydia know that she was in even more trouble than she was earlier when she returned home. If that was going to be soon.

"Delia," Charles said, turning to the aforementioned Life Coach. "Do you mind coming with me to look for signs of Lydia and Betelgeuse in town?"

"No," was the response. "I think we'd rather wait for them to get home. I hope that's okay with you."

"I guess it is," Charles said, sitting himself down on the couch and switching on the television.

They hoped it wouldn't take long for Lydia and Betelgeuse to return home from their second trip out into the town of Winter River in one day.

Lydia and Betelgeuse appeared on the same hill overlooking the town that they had appeared on that same morning. The view was still the same. Winter River looked tiny from where they were standing. Lydia looked out towards the town, thinking about where she and Betelgeuse should go to look for more ghosts.

"We could go to my school again," Lydia said, resting a hand against her chin. "But we already found a ghost there this morning. I think we should go to the library. I'm sure there's a ghost or two there. What do you think, Beej?" Lydia asked, turning to face her best demon friend. "Do you think we could stop by the local library to look for ghosts?"

Betelgeuse just nodded, snapping his fingers again. Within a second, they disappeared in another flash of light.

Having gotten bored of watching the tv and waiting for Lydia and Betelgeuse to return home, Adam, Barbara, Charles, and Delia had gone off to do their own things. Charles was working in his office, Delia was in the bedroom she shared with Charles, sorting through her crystals, and the Maitlands were in the attic (Adam was working some more on his model and Barbara continued on with her reading).

Putting her bookmark in her book and closing it, Barbara turned her attention over towards her husband and let out a quiet sigh.

"What is it, Barbara, hon?" Adam asked, halting work on his model and looking over towards her.

"This is the second time in one day in which Lydia and Betelgeuse have headed out to town," Barbara quietly said. "Hopefully they decide not to do something like that again."

"I hope that too, Barbara, honey," Adam replied, turning his attention back towards his model and continuing working on it.

Barbara nodded, going back to her reading.

Lydia and Betelgeuse appeared in a flash of light right smack dab in the middle of the local library. Dozens of people, some around Lydia's age, surrounded them. They appeared to all be reading quietly, paying little to no attention to the girl and the demon that had appeared in a flash of light.

"Remember this is a library, Beej," Lydia said in a voice that was as quiet as she possibly could muster, creeping slowly towards the door that led to the basement of the building. "We must talk quietly for as long as we are here."

Betelgeuse nodded, following Lydia into the library's basement. "Why are we going down here, Lyds?" Betelgeuse asked as he used his powers to turn all the lights on. "A basement is a completely weird place to find ghosts."

"No," Lydia corrected him with a slight laugh. "A basement is the perfect place to find ghosts."

"If you say so," Betelgeuse mumbled as he and Lydia walked down the last of the steps and fully entered the library basement.

Adam and Barbara left the attic and went downstairs to see if they could find either Charles or Delia. They wanted to talk to either one of them about something really quick.

They found Charles in his office, still working. Phased halfway through his office door, the Maitlands stayed quiet and waited until he finished his work and took notice of them.

It didn't even take the living male five minutes to finish whatever it was he was working on. He turned his attention over towards his office door, preparing to get up and leave, and that's when he took notice of the Maitlands.

"Hi, Adam, hi, Barbara," he said with a smile on his face, using a hand to usher the two ghosts further into the room. "Is there something you guys needed?"

"Yes, actually," Adam said as he and Barbara floated further into the office and came to a stop a few feet from Charles.

"Do you mind if we look at all of those photos of Lydia when she was younger again?" Barbara asked.

"I don't see why not," Charles said as he stood up, found the albums out again, and closed his office door behind him as he followed the Maitlands to the living room.

Lydia and Betelgeuse sat silently at a table, Lydia quietly reading a book on ghosts that she'd gone back upstairs to the main floor of the library to find and check out for herself. That and a few other books on ghosts.

Their search for ghosts had been nothing but a failure. If there had been any people who'd died at the library, both Lydia and Betelgeuse knew by now that those ghosts would have probably gone to the Netherworld by now.

Betelgeuse, in the midst of playing with his, now Blue colored, hair, stared at Lydia and let out a quiet sigh. "Well," he said grabbing Lydia's attention and the teen promptly turned the book she was reading to talk to him. Betelgeuse continued, "that was a bust. Do you mind if we go home, Lyds? We could try at the local church or cemetery tomorrow afternoon if you wanted."

"Yeah. I guess that's a good idea, Betelgeuse," Lydia said sadly.

Lydia let out a quiet sigh, picking up her books as she stood up and heading back up the stairs to the main floor of the library. Betelgeuse followed closely behind her. If they couldn't find any ghosts here then their next best bet for finding ghosts who never made it to the Netherworld would be either the local church or the local cemetery. Those places, as Lydia had to guess, would be crawling with ghosts.

Deciding against disappearing in a flash of light in the middle of the main floor of the library, Lydia huddled close to Betelgeuse and the latter snapped his fingers to send them back home from the basement of the library.

Lydia was nervous of the amount of trouble she was going to get in with all four of her parents when she and Betelgeuse got home.

Really nervous.

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