If All Else Failed...Or Worked

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Lydia sat on the living room couch and stared directly at the spot where the Maitlands should both technically be to her eyes. Charles and Delia had suggested thing after thing to help her be able to see the Maitlands again, but nothing seemed to work.

They were running out of ideas.

Lydia stood up, turning to face her dad and  Delia with a frown on her face.

"Thanks for trying, dad, Delia, but nothing seems to be working. We might as well give up."

"You might not want to give up just yet though, Lydia," said a voice that the teen knew she missed hearing for the past two hours. "Why don't you turn around and see if you can see us."

And that's what Lydia did. She turned at the sound of the voice and came face to face with the two she missed seeing these last two hours: the Maitlands.

"Guys!" she called out, running towards the two ghosts and enveloping them in a tight hug, which they both graciously accepted by wrapping their arms around her. "Boy am I glad to be able to see you again."

"And we are glad you are able to see us again, Lydia," the Maitlands reply in unison, smiles on both of their faces.

"I can't wait to tell Betelgeuse. Oh wait, I'm still angry at him for what he did earlier."

"What happened between her and mr. Betelgeuse?" asked Barbara in complete confusion, turning to look over towards Charles and Delia.

"He found her private diary and decided to look through it," replied Charles with a sigh.

"Ah. I see," Adam said with a laugh.

"Lydia," Barbara said with a few soft laughs, floating down towards the ground and resting a hand on top of Lydia's shoulder. She used her other hand to wipe a few excess tears from Lydia's eyes. "You can't be angry with Betelgeuse forever. Go upstairs and try to talk to him. He might appreciate it if you did."

"I know that, Barb. My dad told me earlier," said Lydia with a few giggles.

"Well then," Barbara replied. "Why don't you go upstairs."

"Already doing it!" Lydia shouted back as she bounded up the stairs to her bedroom.

Lydia pushed open her bedroom door with a giant wide grin on her face, startling Betelgeuse and causing him to turn and look in her direction.

"Woah, woah, Scarecrow. Will you calm down please," Betelgeuse said as he held his hands out in front of him. But it didn't help much, as Lydia had already tackled him to her bedroom floor.

"I can see the Maitlands again!" Lydia shouted with glee. Betelgeuse disappeared from underneath her, reappearing a few feet from where she was now laying face down on the floor of her bedroom.

"That's great news, Lyds," Betelgeuse said as he helped the teenager up to her feet and sat her down on top of her bed.

"Did you want to celebrate by going out and looking for more lost ghosts, Beej?" asked Lydia with a bright smile on her face. "We could go back to one of the three places that we checked for ghosts before."

"I thought you'd never ask," replied Betelgeuse with a giant grin plastered on his face. He snapped his fingers and the two of them disappeared in a flash of light.

The room was soon silent, save for the few  frantic knocks of Charles sounding on the other side of the door.

"Lydia!" Charles called out. "Are you in here?"

Lydia and Betelgeuse reappeared on top of the hill overlooking the School for Girls and Lydia smirked. Today, they were going to try and look for the ghost of the girl who had committed suicide by jumping off of the roof of the school and to do that, they needed to be on the roof itself.

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