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Charles found Lydia and Betelgeuse creeping quietly through the Netherworld, neither one of them paying attention to him. That is, until he coughed a couple times.

In an instant, they turned towards him with equal panicked looks on their faces.

"Dad? What are you-?" Lydia began before getting cut off by Charles holding up a hand. Almost immediately, Lydia closed her mouth.

"The three of us are going back home now!" Charles demanded quietly, reaching over, grabbing Lydia's and Betelgeuse's hands and beginning to drag them over towards an open door to the Netherworld.

Lydia let go of her dad's hand. "I'm not going back home until I find and talk to mom."


But it was too late, Lydia had already taken off running down a random hallway, leaving an equally concerned Charles and Betelgeuse just standing there. They shared knowing looks and took off running down the same hallway the teenager had just gone down.

"Lydia!" they shouted in unison. "Wait for us!"

Back at the Maitland-Deetz house, Delia and Barbara were still stuck on what to make for dinner. Despite it being only four o'clock in the afternoon. Adam paced around the kitchen. It had been an hour since Charles had headed into the Netherworld to find and bring back Lydia and Betelgeuse and he still wasn't back yet. They'd have thought he'd have been back now but guess not.

They were still waiting. Now it looked like dinner was going to be over by the time Lydia, Betelgeuse, and Charles were back. Lydia and the Netherworld without any food. That thought upset the remaining three members of the Maitland-Deetz family. Unless Betelgeuse could provide food to Lydia and Charles.

"You don't think he's decided to join Lydia and Betelgeuse in the Netherworld," Delia mumbled, sadly.

"I don't think so," Barbara replied, placing an ice cold hand on Delia's back. "I'm sure they'll be back soon."

"But it's been an hour since he left to find them," Adam said, stopping pacing the kitchen and turning to face both of the women. "I really do think he's found them right now but knowing Lydia and Betelgeuse went to the Netherworld to search for Lydia's late mom and Charles' late wife, I think we can all assume that he would want to find and talk to her too."

"I hope not," Delia muttered, glancing up towards the ceiling.

Charles and Betelgeuse caught up to Lydia, the former of the two males out of and catching his breath. Lydia stood, her fists balled at her sides and her head down. She sighed and turned to face her dad and Betelgeuse.

"Haven't found her yet?" Betelgeuse asked.

"No," was Lydia's immediate response.

Charles made his way over towards his daughter and kneeled down in front of her, placing a hand flat on top of her shoulder. Lydia looked down, noticing that her dad had a look of anger plastered on his face and she immediately knew why he was upset with her.

"Mad at me for entering the Netherworld against your wishes, huh, dad," Lydia said knowingly.

Charles nodded. "Yeah. I can't believe that you would do something like this. Setting off all the smoke detectors in the house as a distraction whilst you come here. When we get home, you are in so much trouble, young lady."

Lydia mumbled a quiet, "I know, dad."

The smoke detectors at the Maitland-Deetz house were still going off, and it was starting to bother Delia, Adam, and Barbara. One by one, Adam and Barbara turned all of them off. Adam handled the ones upstairs and Barbara handled the ones downstairs and in the basement. Adam turned off the last of the upper floor smoke detectors and joined Delia and Barbara in the living room.

"Well, that just about covers it," Adam said as he sat himself down on the couch next to Barbara and switched on the television. The show that was playing right now was one of Lydia's favorite ghost hunting shows and Adam, Barbara, and Delia resorted to watching it. "Hopefully Lydia doesn't set the smoke detectors off again. I've had enough of her coming up with ways to distract us just so she can be chaotic."

"You said it," Delia and Barbara said in unison.

Delia pulled out her phone and saw that it was five minutes past six. She stood up and made her way into the kitchen area. But not before turning and shouting over to the Maitlands,

"I'm gonna go ahead and microwave myself some Mac n Cheese, it should only take five minutes, then I'll come back in here and join you guys on the couch."

"Okay, Delia!" the two ghosts shouted back.

Charles, Lydia, and Betelgeuse had been walking through the  many hallways of the Netherworld for what seemed like forever. Not even Charles could tell how long they'd been there. The living male had been glancing at his watch on repeat only to keep finding out that it was going faster than it did when he was back at home.

They were no closer to finding Emily. And even Charles had to admit that he missed her and wanted to talk to her just as much as Lydia did. Her short, Black hair, her soft Brown eyes, her caring smile. Charles missed seeing that and so did Lydia.

Charles and Lydia sat down, their stomachs rumbling. They were both hungry. Betelgeuse took immediate notice of this, summoning two fully microwaved meals and handing them to the two humans.

"There you go guys," he said with a smile. "Eat up."

Within ten fast minutes, Lydia and Charles were done with their food. Lydia looked up at Betelgeuse with a smile on her face. "Thank you so much, Beej," she said.

"You're very welcome, Scarecrow, C-Man," Betelgeuse responded with an equal smile on his face. "Now shall we continue on with searching?"

"We shall," Lydia and Charles said in unison and off the three of them went.

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