Trial and Error

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"Now, Lydia," Charles said with a sigh as he sat his daughter down in the chair in his office. Right behind him, the Maitlands stood. Lydia still couldn't see them but hey, it was nice that they were in the room with them. "Have you tried looking at pictures of the Maitlands back when they were still alive?"

"I did that while I could still see the two of them," replied Lydia as she looked down towards the floor of her dad's office.

Charles motioned for the Maitlands to leave the room and go find out their old photo albums so that Lydia could look through them and off both ghosts went. Soon after, they returned with a bunch of photo albums (which were all floating in midair in Lydia's eyes) and dropped them all in front of her.

Lydia picked one up and began to look through it, flipping through the pages at such a fast rate.

She put the book she'd just looked through down and picked up another one, doing the exact same thing as she was doing earlier: flipping through it at such a fast rate.

After she had done looking through all the photo albums, she looked up at her dad again and found that she still couldn't see the Maitlands.

"Thanks for trying, dad," Lydia said as she stood up and left the room. "But I still can't see Adam and Barbara."

He looked on as his daughter trotted up the stairs to her room then he turned to the Maitlands. "You guys go join Betelgeuse in Lydia's bedroom," he calmly explained to the two ghosts. "I'm sure he'll manage to help Lydia be able to see you guys again."

"Got it, Charles." And, with that, the two ghosts teleported out of Charles's office to join Betelgeuse in Lydia's bedroom.

They hoped he could help.

Betelgeuse looked down at as he paced around Lydia's bedroom, keeping an eye on both Lydia and on the Maitlands. Lydia was sitting on her bed and reading a book and the Maitlands were floating up in the air and looking down at Lydia as she read.

Betelgeuse stopped pacing, sitting himself down next to Lydia on the latter's bed and resting a hand on her back.

"Lydia," he said and the teenager's gaze focused away from the book she was reading and onto him. "I want you to think of the many things that the Maitlands have done for you ever since you met them."

"Hmmm..." Lydia thought and thought of the many things that Adam and Barbara had both done for her ever since she'd met them both in the attic (memories including them caring for her when she had a cold at one point) but when she opened her eyes again, she still couldn't see either Adam or Barbara. "Thanks for your help, Beej," the  teen said sadly as she got up and exited her room. "But I'm going to go and find Delia. Talk to her for a while."

As the teen closed her bedroom door behind her and her footsteps sounded down the hall and towards her dad's and stepmother's room, Betelgeuse let out a sigh and turned to face the still distraught Maitlands.

"Maybe Delia can try and help Lydia see you guys," the demon suggested, giving both ghosts a great idea.

"Yeah," said Adam, looking over towards Barbara, the female ghost's expression mirroring his. "Let's go and join them both."

Before Betelgeuse could say anything in response, both ghosts teleported out of Lydia's bedroom. Their destination? The Deetz couple's room.

Betelgeuse was left standing in Lydia's bedroom, staring at the now empty spot where the Maitlands were once floating.

The best he could do now was wait for any of them to return.

Not even Delia could help Lydia figure out a way to help Lydia be able to see the Maitlands again, the teenager leaving the room distraught. As Lydia closed her dad's and stepmother's room behind her, an apologetic looking Delia turned to face both equally upset ghosts.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help out either," the Life Coach sadly said to both ghosts as the three of them sat together on the bed that Delia and Charles shared. "Did Charles and Betelgeuse fail too?"

"Yeah," replied Barbara looking sadly down at the room's carpet. "I'm beginning to think that Lydia might never be able to see us ever again."

"Don't worry, guys," Delia said as she gave both ghosts a hug. "We'll find a way to get Lydia to see you again. I hope."

"We hope so too," replied both of the ghosts, bouts of equal tears threatening to spill from their eyes.

Lydia reentered her bedroom and slammed her door closed behind her, both alerting and startling Betelgeuse, who was reading Lydia's diary for several unexplained reasons, and he focused his attention over towards the teenager. He quickly hid Lydia's open diary behind his back and then looked sheepishly at her.

"I wasn't reading anything," the demon lied.

Lydia was fuming, storming over to Betelgeuse, reaching around him, grabbing her diary and closing it before she slammed her diary down onto her bed and gazing furiously at Betelgeuse.

"WHY did you have my diary?!" the teenage girl angrily demanded to her best demon friend. "WHY were you reading through my diary?!"

"I..." Betelgeuse was backed up against a wall by Lydia. "I was interested in what your life was like, Scarecrow. I found your diary hidden in a secret drawer and I couldn't help myself so I took it out and began to look through it."

"That was my PRIVATE diary!" Lydia spat out in rage, folding her arms and glaring at Betelgeuse. "YOU weren't supposed to be snooping through it."

"Well sor-ry if I was interested in your life before moving here, Scarecrow," the demon replied with an eye roll.

"Forget it!" Lydia said as she turned to storm out of her room. "I'm going to go and spend time with my dad and Delia. I'll come back upstairs to hang out with you when I'm NO LONGER ANGRY with you for FINDING MY DIARY AND LOOKING THROUGH IT!"

Before Betelgeuse had a chance to respond to her, she stormed out of her room and the now-once again lonely demon could have sworn he heard her stomp her way down the stairs

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