The Shipper

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I'm in the middle of watching episode 1 right without any subtitles. OG fans knows what's up. 😉

So Im at the scenes where Ohm's character is shaking the girl head from her laptop to see reality. The reality is one of the guy's in her ship is with her girlfriend being cutesy (I know ew but this the word of I thought of), and she's typing angrily at the situation. Hating on the girl. The girl isn't doing anything wrong! She's with her boyfriend and they seemed happy together. While, the main characters is hating on her for getting in her way of her imaginary ship.

If the girl isn't his girlfriend, I still stick with my thoughts. It doesn't give her the rights to mind her way in, and hate on the girl for her relationship with the guy which does not relate to her.

This could be a stretch, but I feel like it was to point out the toxic behavior of delusions BL fan girls. I have a feeling, this show MAYBE will be be educational and be a helpful in stopping some of toxicity in the BL community.

A huge reason why I think that is Ohm.

Because if anyone know the situation of his onscreen partner for Make It Right, you know it didn't end well. They end up unfollowing each other and stop talking to each other out in public. Allegedly, it's because of the toxics fan who fucking couldn't tell the difference between reality and fictional. It was said, the delusion fans were hating on Toey's girlfriend at the time, Ohm's onscreen partner, because probably in their mind "she's was getting in the way of their ship."

Guys you don't know how much I hate the sentence. How dare they use that terrible mindset on a REAL girl and dating her boyfriend. Yes, she basically got hate for being in a relationship with her actual boyfriend.

I literally hate it here. 😑🤦🏾‍♀️

Like, It's not right for a fan to hate on anyone who is close (or not close) to the members of their IMAGINARY ship. But hating on the said girlfriend of the guys they ship, they must be extra crazy!

Gotta protect myself from all the toxicity in this community by educated myself unlike others 😷

Again, it's still not okay but they must rethink their lives for hating on the actual girlfriend. How shitty can someone be in real life, sometimes I think they're a myth but sadly no they exits.

If encountering one of them, I feel like we should be educated them on how their behavior is not right and unacceptable. If they aren't thinking of changing just report and move on. It's pointless to argue and it's better for everyone I'd they aren't on the internet for a while. They should sit in the corner to reflect on their actions.

Time for me to go back to the series!

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