Part 21: Try Out?

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College was a lot harder than I had thought. I spent much of my time doing school work my first few weeks, as I tried to get used to things. After working with Mr. Jay I was used to a high work load, but I wasn't ready for college after a summer break. It had been a month since school started, and I was beginning to run low on money after buying the text books for this semester. There was no way I would last the rest of the year without a job, so I began my search for a part-time job around the college.

I found a few jobs online using my phone, but when I went to apply most of the jobs were already taken. I also wanted to keep my hours lower so I could keep up with my schoolwork that I was already behind on. Having just escaped my previous financial situation, I didn't want to get into another. My dad had started working at a cash-register shortly after I left, so they wouldn't depend on me while I went through college.

After trying Dairy Queen, McDonald's, and grocery stores (Can't believe they didn't have any openings!) I gave up for the day and resumed an essay I had to finish for one of my classes. I pulled a notebook full of the notes I took for class, and began organizing the topics of the essay. As I neared the end of my notebook I noticed that I was missing a page. Realization dawned on me as I remembered lending it to the guy that sat next to me. I must have left without taking it back.

Hoping that the professor's room was still unlocked, I hurried across the campus. The sand-colored sidewalk felt hot even through my shoes. I could see a crowd growing in the center of the campus. The campus was bustling with activities as I tried to get to my political science professor's room. I bumped into multiple people as I squeezed through the crowd. I wondered what was going on that had so many people clustered in the center of the campus. Then I realized many of the smaller clubs were competing to see who would get the new freshmen. Computer, chess, Lego, comic, and many other clubs showed off their club activities from the year prior or entertained anyone passing by.

Apparently they planned this during a time when nobody would have classes every year. This event helped keep the smaller clubs member quotas. Some of the clubs were weird and others seemed boring; although I doubt many of these clubs would be here if there weren't people who were interested in them.

"Join the Sci-fi club, and enjoy the wonders of fictional scien-" someone yelled before being interrupted.

"Don't listen to him! Join the cosplay club instead!" the girl shouted over the guy from the Sci-fi club.

Some of the clubs must have competed more directly than others due to similarities; or maybe there's another reason those two clubs are so competitive. 

After pushing through multiple crowds and clubs I finally got to the professor's room and found my paper sitting on my desk (to my relief). I quickly left stuffy classroom and headed back into the crowds of people after stuffing my paper in a folder. This time clubs tried to pull me in or interest me in their club activities.

A member of the chess club approached me and asked, "Wanna play a game of chess?" I quickly refused, but I was stopped by a member of the Sci-fi club.

"You look like you would be interested in some saber battles!" he exclaimed as I refused another offer.

Offer after Offer I refused until I saw a small band. The band was comprised of a drummer, bass guitar, a singer, and a keyboardist. The band wasn't a registered club, but they were advertising for a guitarist which they desperately needed. Although the keyboardist was trying to fill in the rhythm with her guitar, he could not fill the missing sound.

The drummer was a short skinny guy with blonde hair dressed in black shorts and a white t-shirt that looked like it had a rainbow paint stain at the bottom moving diagonally up towards his shoulder. He wore glasses and a red pair of headphones around his neck. His hazel eyes scanned anyone who came by to watch. 

Their singer was taller than me and didn't even need heals. She dressed in jean shorts and a white shirt with a pink cardigan thrown on top. Her black hair was as dark as her brown eyes. She seemed to be completely engulfed by her singing, but she looked really tense.

The keyboardist was dark-complected and taller compared to the others. He looked like he was Philippine with his dark hair and brown eyes. Somehow he managed to wear jeans in the hot summer sun, but he wore a white T-shirt just like the other members.

A short girl with dark brown hair played the bass guitar. She was shorter than the rest of the group and wore mostly black besides the white T-shirt under her black, unbuttoned button-up shirt.

As soon as they finished I approached them.

"You guys need a guitarist? I can help you," I offered.

The drummer stood up and walked up to me and gestured to the sign that said 'One guitarist needed'. "That's what the sign says."

"Do you have anyone else that wants to join?"

"Not yet. If we do you'll have to try out otherwise, welcome to the group! My name's Danny by the way," the drummer explained as he stuck out his hand for a handshake. Shaking it he continued. "Our singer is Shauna ,my girlfriend; Shane is our keyboardist; and Rem plays the bass guitar."

"Nice to meet you all!" I said shaking their hands.

"We're all chill people once you get to know us," Shane stated.

"Well, I should be around long enough to get to know all of you."

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