Part 36: A Star is Born

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Thanks to Alex, Terrance, and Chris I ended up finishing two songs by the end of the month. At the rate we were going at Chris wanted to put me in with the rest of their Golden Fleece employees at their annual concert.

The concert was a huge promotional event for their new singers, and after seeing how well it worked they continued it annually. Each singer/musician got thirty minutes on stage (but it's adjustable if you have less songs), and they can perform covers, their own songs, and/or team up with other entertainers from the company.

I was going to sing two covers and five of my own songs that Chris, a few others, and I had been working on. We had four months before the concert and we spent every second we could writing those songs, which was difficult while I was still in school, but we were determined to not do too many cover songs. The last two weeks was spent tweaking the cover songs and practicing them. By the time the concert came around we were all drained.

Although all of the songs we had written were already recorded and published under my name on Spotify, they had received next to no views with the exception of my parents and friends. When I listen to them I can understand why, but my friends and family say otherwise.

On the day of the concert I lined up behind people who's pictures were hanging in the lobby. I was ecstatic! Five people behind me stood Poseidon Richardson, my favorite guitarist!

The event no longer only accepted beginners at Golden Fleece, but was offered to all of their musical employees. This new rule attracted more people than ever here, because of the already well known artists. The event also lasted all day.

I had to arrive at least three hours before my scheduled time, so that if anything happened I could still make it on time. I thought about the songs we had written; Blue-haired girl, Glass Smile, Burning Water, and the other two, knowing that I would be the first one to sing them on stage.

When it was finally my turn an announcer called out my name, and they audience cheered (Note: they had no idea who I was).

"Hello Everyone! My name is Mark," I said into the microphone as the crowd began to calm down.

I pulled my guitar in front of me.

"I think you'll love this first song; Glass Smile."

Right before I began to play the first riff my eyes found Fiona. I hadn't seen her in a while because of school, but I was glad she was here.

"I hope you know; this isn't me" I began singing.

Glass Smile was a song Chris and I had created about a fake smile and the damage it can cause. The name of the song describes how easy the smile can disappear. Burning Water was actually one of Alex's scrapped ideas for White Poseidon which he offered to help me co-write in his free time. It was about being bullied, but not taking any of it serious enough to damage yourself causing it to cease. Blue-haired Girl was written entirely by me (about a certain someone), and it is rather simple compared to the others because of that. The other two had very little help from me, because I had school still.

Singing "Blue-haired Girl" in front of Fiona was amazing. I watched her smile, while I tried not to focus only on her. She definitely knew the song was about her.

When I finished with the songs I wrote, I moved onto Ed Sheeran's "Photograph" and The Script's "Hall of Fame." 

The crowd went wild, and I was overjoyed. I wasn't expecting to be booed, but I expected a more neutral response. I could see Fiona smiling as I walked off the stage. By this time I was tired, and just wanted to go home.

Chris met me as I walked off.

"Good job, kid!" he laughed with pride.

"Thanks, Chris," I said giving him a high-five.

"Go home and get some rest now. You have a reputation to uphold now."

"Will do."

As I was walking out toward the parking lot someone yelled out my name.


I turned around to catch Fiona in my arms, as she wrapped hers around my neck.

"I loved it, Mark! Your amazing! I... I love you."

With that she kissed me. If I remember anything that I've told you, I know I kissed her back.

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